Hey everyone! I still cannot believe I am smoke free! Tomorrow will make day 10 for me. I used to be so jealous of non-smokers and those who were able to quit for even a day, but here I am now doing it myself!
It's like my body knows to substitute the cigarette in hand for something else so I have all this nervous energy when I usually used to smoke and things get done so much faster now and I'm not as worn out from doing simple daily chores. I eat more now and I love it because I am a tiny thing and used to make the excuse to continue smoking because I didn't want to get fat.
I do feel asif I am a bit moodier now than I was my first couple of days and for some reason I thought it would be the opposite. It's okay though because I've read so much about others experiences that it's normal to feel this way the longer I stay sober up until about 6 months or so.
I have bouts of tiredness that suck at times, but I just stay tuned in to my body and push through it. I'm ready for another breathable day!