just joined and excited to have the support and hopefully, provide support as I navigate my quit journey!
happy together 22 days smoke free - No Smoking Day
happy together 22 days smoke free

I work a lot but please know I read these post everyday and they have and still are helping me on my smoke free journey. Welcome aboard and like you we are walking the road with you. good luck 🍀 and know you will beat this

Welcome Happy_Together - replied to you in your response to Channy, I too quit cold turkey over a year and a half ago, I have no doubt with your great mindset you will posting this milestone, look forward to reading your progress
For some reason my quit date said 1 week smoke free. I quit smoking on March 20, 2017 at 12:00 a.m., can you change my quit date to reflect that date. I am not sure how this all works.
Hey Happy_Together . please see pinned post on milestone badges which explains how it works - put you up yesterday as over 1 week smoke free, your next milestone badge will be at 1 month, it keeps us motivated but if you feel you need more or a daily tracker, perhaps download a tracker app, there is a good one on Quitza if you want to have a look.
With regards the sense of loss, this is perfectly normal and will pass soon, below is also a link to helpful posts if not already read
PS The milestone badges post is quite big so may take about a minute or so for it to upload.....

Excellent Attitude ...Happy together...Welcome and congrats on your 1 week smoke free and thank you for offering your support....Surely you will have our support...Stay strong !!
I don't know why it say 1 week smoke free but my quit date was 3/20/17 so today i am working on my 23rd day...and feeling great. I didn't have a super hard time quitting, or it was not as hard as I envisioned but the hardest part is the mental part, it is like ending a relationship with someone that you know is bad for you but you keep on going back for more! Example, Sunday I got irritated with someone and after I left their home, all I thought about was having a cigarette, and initially was fantasizing on how that stupid cigarette would make me feel so much better. Then I caught myself and redirected my mind. Was it a big craving as in nicotine withdrawal - no - it was my relationship with smoking. But, i know that is a big lie and with the strength of God I will proclaim "I am an ex-smoker"
Love this sight, thank you everyone for being so welcoming....