Hi guys. I'm all down today. a bit lonely depressed i guess. As i was standing outside on my lunchtime, a colleague offerred me 3 drags. i refused and just ran away. He was practically begging me to just take 3 drags so that i stop looking sad. That irritated me alot. Why did he want me to take a drag so badly. Otherwise i'm still clean. thanks everyone.
3 days smoke free: Hi guys. I'm all down... - No Smoking Day
3 days smoke free

Hey Neli - great to see you beginning your journey, congratulations on 3 days, that is great, well done! Have a read of below pinned post of the 'Icky Threes' if not already done so - what you are feeling is perfectly normal and will pass, just take it day by day, keep busy, lots of water, deep breathing and a bit of exercise daily to clear the head, above all continue to take it one day at a time
Ah so you have come across the 'Begrudger Smoker' - there is always one, best to part company with them, deep down they wish that was them smoke free, stopping is hard enough without being around these negative people.
hi Neli
welcome back.
you keep trying,never stop giving up 😊
being down I suppose its normal,you should feel better day by day,or week by week 😁
I'm down,but its silly thyroid stuff with me,
when we last spoke I said I had two beautiful grandchildren,well in may I will have a granddaughter (my daughters first).
hows your little family,hope all are well.
take care 😊
keep kicking 😎

What a rotten sod your colleague is! He's just trying to get you to smoke because he wants to quit; hasn't got the bottle to do it, and wants to drag people down who are in the process. I've come across a few like that. I would keep out of his way and don't give him the satisfaction of seeing you getting irritated by him. In fact I would make it my personal mission to succeed with your quit just to spite him. But I'm a bit over-competitive.
It's weird at the start because you don't have your usual routine and you feel like a fish out of water. Try to think of something else to do on a lunchtime to take your mind off the old habits.
Sorry you've had a bad day Neli, hope it gets better tomorrow.
Almost forgot - give yourself a HUGE pat on the back for not succumbing to temptation.

"I can resist everything except temptation" Oscar wilde 😀
Well done on not giving in neli, you have done yourself proud!! I make a lot of abrupt exits these days when people light up, there's always one who offers it says sure it's only one.. They are the worst kind of smoker!! They just don't want you to escape and be happy if they can't! I hope you start to feel better soon. That lonely, just a little lost, feeling does ease.. It's just important to keep busy. I feel it from time to time now but not often.
Stay strong, 😀x

Neli..The demon comes in many clothes..even in that of a friend or colleague...
Well done on saying no...and that will not be your last time of need to say no...
Stay strong !!

Neil, way to stay on track when tempted. Maybe be you could pull out a sucker and just say no thanks,,, I'm good...🚭🔠 Jeff
Or piece of gum or just I'm good

1 week today Neli Hope you have a nice treat lined up?
Thanks so much Roisin!! I'm very proud of myself. I havent got anything lined up for a treat. Broke as hell hahahhaha!!! I must say, everything is going smoothly at the moment. its just the headaches, which are manageable. My first attempt which was last year I was battling alot with cravings. But this time i'm just chilled. Maybe its because my best friend who stays in town told me she's 2yrs smoke free. I think that has given me more willpower to kick this habit.