im sorry about yesterday doing sos when thought about it this morning i was stupid im now back on track yesterday gone no more thoughts giving in just thought progressing forwards luv u all
good day everyone: im sorry about yesterday... - No Smoking Day
good day everyone

Hi Treacle, I just read your post from yesterday. well done on posting and not giving in. That's a massive achievement, especially when you were in pain. I hope your knees are feeling a bit better today.
I think reading that will give me confidence to post an SOS when I need to.
Take care xxx
yes knees better today was damp yesterday always plays up
im gratefull what i achieved so far think was pain that triggered that off even vaping wasnt doing any good but today i feel like normal vaping like normal back on my dates again

Good to hear you are feeling better. We all have bad days for one reason and another and we all need support from time to time.
Onwards and upwards!! 😀

uve nothing to be sorry about treacle thats what this amazing site is for we are all going to have bad days....fact! but they will get less and less and less, untill we eventually dont even remember our smoking lifes

Your not stupid, just human, it's a tough journey and you rock 😁
Keep going!
Great job, really the only thing a smoke would have done was mad you sad😞. In my heart I know this, that's why I didnt smoke yesterday and my choice is not to smoke today😃 I've come way to far to slip up. Glad your feeling better, sore knees are the worst.

Whehay, 50 Days smoke free today! Congratulations and huge well done, hope you have a treat lined up