Hi all, I am new here... I am still a smoker.... but I really really want to stop. It is in my head since quite a long time, I really want to become, be a non-smoker. Why? I simply have enough of it... I even don't understand why I still do it, II really have enough of this habit that doesn't bring anything positive to a human being. I see what it is doing to me, to my body... I feel what it is doing to my body and I really see and feel that it is high time to quit... I am becoming a wreck at 45 years old.... and this makes me sad. I'm always somewhere between the 'I want to quit, I want to be a non-smoker, I want to be free from this habit and the addiction that calls my poor self' and the 'here, have a smoke, you will feel good, you know how good it feels when you inhale'...
Oh my goodness, how will I ever manage this? I really feel the will to be a non smoker.... I'm really making plans in my head about how to manage without the smoke....
When will I feel stronger than my poor smoker inside my mind?? When will I be able to say: whaw, this is day xx without a smoke, I am so happy and proud not being smoking!
I feel like no one believes that I can quit... I feel like I am the only one that believes I can. I am preparing, planning... and I know one day they will see and hear I have become a non smoker, they will not believe their eyes...and I will feel stronger than them, because I believed and they didn't.
I will get back to write my experiences as a quitter and non-smoker :)!