Should you be able to express yourself freely on this site?
RoisinO1Administrator in reply to that-s-it
a day ago
Glad it went well for you that-s-it and that you listened to your body after 4 days. It is interesting to read our members experiences and what they can do to make their smoke free easier for them and we appreciate you sharing it but this is something that HealthUnlocked would not promote or encourage due vulnerable members that may have adverse reactions from doing water fasting and from hearing it here could potentially have serious consequence for the HU platform. (See your reply below, )
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that-s-it1 Month Smoke Free in reply to RoisinO1
a few seconds ago
Hi Roisin01, I understood this website to be a "free" plateform, where people come to SHARE WITHOUT RESTRICTIONS, meaning if there is a post with some profanity words, that is ok, or if someone has some advice that my be somewhat unconventional that should NOT be a problems. That is the only reason why I've continued to be here, for the short duration of about two weeks. Within that time frame you have cautioned me twice already, people are dealing with addiction and should be able to curse in their posts if so they please. I am not sure how much I appreciate or how much more appetite I have for guidelines. I don't care for the bureaucracy nor do I care to find out whether it's branding business $$$ motive. I care to get better and try to maybe help those around me with this struggling. If that is not what "HealthUnlocked" culture is about then I will gladly leave!
Also in my posts you can clearly see where I cautioned people about doing their research.