...actually, I DID forget but Roisin reminded me.
100 days smoke-free for me today! Eeeeh, how the time has flown...apart from in the first few weeks when it didn't fly at all...dragged on and on and on....and it was mental!
I'm still on my ecig but at half the nicotine level that I originally started on. I've got one more level (already bought) before I get to zero.
Thanks to everyone here - you all make a difference, you really do.
Special thanks must go to Hidden , Linda545 and of course RoisinO1 (rowens) who pulled me out of a hole at the back end of last year, in what was probably the most stressful time of my life. If I hadn't have come back from that I think I would still be smoking.
Cheers everybody, keep it up, it's worth it.
I think I'll go out for a celebratory cigar!