Hi all, hope this finds you well
Am on day 21 without cigarettes and yesterday I was at a great friends for a drink, aherm, too many actually!!! It was a huge test for me as I've always smoked heavily when drinking in the past.
I passed it without a single hitch and I feel really proud and happy! I used my e cig a fair bit and at low nicotine I thought I would struggle but no!!
I wonder how others have managed when drinking and not smoking?
It really has made me feel a bit like 'wow' I obviously really want this!!! What a great reminder that I'm a happier non smoker... no smelly clothes, no tight chest, no nasty taste and my hair still smells as fresh as when I washed it yesterday!!
Would love to hear people's stories about first socialising as a new non smoker..
Thanks to everyone for support and great pointers which really help xx