I have smoked now for over 30 years. I first tried to quit about 5 years ago and after a while I managed to go without for about 18 months until my wife had to have a major operation on her spine, where as soon as I had watched her go into theatre, I went straight to a shop to buy a pack. I have been smoking again for about 2 1/2 years.
For a while I have been thinking about quiting again, for many reasons:
1. I don't really enjoy the majority of them.
2. As a long distance cyclist it is affecting my fitness levels.
3. I hate the cough and catarrh on my chest and sinuses.
4. The cost.
Just over a week ago I went to see the nurse at my local GP surgery. Today was the day I planned to stop a week ago. My wife who also smokes, decided to give a try again as well although she doesn't really want to, but is doing it to help me.
Yesterday I cut down without a patch because I only had a few cigs left and didn't want to buy any more and this morning at 0530 I applied my first patch. The first couple of hours were pretty bad, but with the aid of an inhaler, I managed. As the day has gone on, things have got better and I am hopeful that all goes well.
I really am looking forward to being smoke free, I just hope that this time I can be more successful.