hello...well..ive been smoking for years and finally with a massive push from my oen body ive quit..cold turkey.
I contracted a terrible cold which turned into an awful chest infection with horrible cough. one night the coughing was so bad I coughed up blood. that was it. I was convinced I had lung cancer and the Russian roulette game of smoking was over and I had finally lost. I cried with the pain of "knowing" I had murdered myself.
I took myself off to A&E smoked my last cigarette right outside the entrance. Had an XRay.
the doctor sat looking at a patch on my right lung and I steeled myself ready to hear the death penalty. .he told me I had a rather nasty chest infection and would need high dose of antibiotics I had been lucky...this time. He told me eyeball to eyeball quit the fags or else. He advised Alan Car -easy way to quit smoking. .also on you tube. I replied "I will quit right this second...and I knew I meant it.
I haven't smoked since nor do I bloody well want to.
the only way for me was cold turkey. go to bed like you have the flu for a week and ride out the worse of the symptoms. .which can get pretty intense ..but the symptoms are healing and making you better.so I quite enjoyed the journey. .it made me feel like this was the small price to pay for my freedom and health gain...not much really.
Now ive got to deal with weight loss! that is difficult but nit smoking gives me confidence to move more!
I love taking deep breaths without coughing
I love smelling nice
I love having more money in my pocket
I love feeling happier in myself because ive stopped disrespecting myself with slow suicide
I love feeling free of a dark insidious cloud always hovering over me
I love not having to fret over where im gonna smoke and when and running out of cigarettes
I love not feeling like a social leper
its worth every second of discomfort in the first week or two