Hi Folks,
I quit using the support on the original nosmokingday forum and patches. That was I think 7/8 years ago. I had the odd slip (once/twice a year) when drunk but over the past year I have started smoking on nights out even when sober. Again this was only once a month max (I posted about this last year). Since April this year its been building up from one ten pack a week gradually until back smoking full time a month ago. Since then I am on a my second sinus infection and have kidded myself that the smoking has nothing to do with it. I have chronic sinus issues anyway but this is the worst its been in a couple of years.
So on Sunday I smoked 3 then binned the last one as they were making me feel sick and had a patch on since. It's not been so bad as I am working from home and still not well but last night I went to my sisters and saw her neighbour out smoking and I was thinking about smoking a lot last night. I am worried what will happen when I feel better as at the moment the feeling rubbish is stopping me wanting to smoke.
I really want to quit again and I hope that this is the one that sticks. I know I can do it but I had slipped back into my old smoking thinking ways.
Been reading lots of posts on here which has been a great help, you guys are great.
So I am saying hello and no doubt need a bit of support when I feel better.
Thanks for reading everyone.