Good news is that tomorrow Il be off the stinkers 3 weeks, the bad news is, I leave to go in my holiday abroad for a week. And I'm terrified... (although Il have my ecig I still love cigs on holidays. So stupid I know)
I know I've rambled on about this for a while now but the day is nearly upon me and I'm scared.
do I really want to fall back into the cig circle because of the lovely relaxing holiday feeling where I associate cigs to relax and enjoy the holiday. My partner said if u want them that bad then buy a pack when we get there. If not don't. And I'm like ahhhh!! btw he's a non heavy smoker.
I think basically what I'm asking for is either reassurance AGAIN or mostly for peoples experiences who went off the cigs and then went on holiday or somewhere similar for a while and what they did or what happened.
thanks in advance.
I prob won't get posting back til I get home but id still love to read everyone's stories.