hi everyone: hi evryone :) i feel like abit... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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nsd_user663_3161 profile image
16 Replies

hi evryone :)

i feel like abit of a cheat sighning in on day one as i am still smoking - i am on my 6th day of champix, after many many failed attempts at quitting , with just about every vice available.

been reading through the posts here for afew days now, as i have been woried about the side effects ive been experiancing (ive been vague, dissoriantated, dizzy - but been feeling alot better theses last couple of days)

Im planning to quit on day 13 or earlier if i feel that way inclined, i think this forum is very supportive and would like to be a part of it.

well thats me , just wondering if anyones had any bad/good experiances on this drug or anyone whos tried quitting this way and failed , (look im talking about faliur already :rolleyes:)

nice to b here and good luck to everyone

blue xx

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nsd_user663_3161 profile image
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16 Replies
nsd_user663_2931 profile image

Hi Blue :)

Just wanted to say hi and that I hope stopping smoking is as easy as it seems to be for me nowadays! Struggled before this 'quit'.

Don't make things hard for yourself by creating battles within your own head. If you feel a crave coming on, ride it out and don't fight it so bad. The harder you fight it the harder the battle will become. I don't even get any craves now and I'm only on Day 8!! How kewl is that?!

Do NOT miss smoking. You're not missing anything at all.

Wishing you all the best :)

nsd_user663_3097 profile image

hi evryone :)

i feel like abit of a cheat sighning in on day one as i am still smoking - i am on my 6th day of champix, after many many failed attempts at quitting , with just about every vice available.

been reading through the posts here for afew days now, as i have been woried about the side effects ive been experiancing (ive been vague, dissoriantated, dizzy - but been feeling alot better theses last couple of days)

Im planning to quit on day 13 or earlier if i feel that way inclined, i think this forum is very supportive and would like to be a part of it.

well thats me , just wondering if anyones had any bad/good experiances on this drug or anyone whos tried quitting this way and failed , (look im talking about faliur already :rolleyes:)

nice to b here and good luck to everyone

blue xx

good luck blue, i and many others on this great support forum are proof you can beat your slavemaster.

nsd_user663_3161 profile image

wow! that was so fast and so many replys! thanks to all of you, i just had a bath and came back to all these well wishes - and congratulations to you all for your quits , you are all doing so well . Im dreading the quit day but hopefully when i start on the stronger tabs ill go off the fags , im hoping so anyhow and seem to b smoking a little less already. well ill b around for a while now as im in for the long haul this time. thanks

nickywalton profile image

hi Blue,

welcome to the forum...definitely great idea to be checking

us out before your quit date..:) the more you know what's coming

your way the more prepared you'll be - and you DO need to be

prepared for pretty much anything!?! Wish I'd done what you're

doing may have stood chance on 1st quit:(

I'm on Champix too but only taking 0.5mg as I couldn't tolerate

full doseage - if your side effects continue you might wanna have

word with your doc. see if half does works for you? Even with

half dose, its brill for me, SO much easier this quit..still not

easy but easier:D

and Read Read Read as much as you can before the day too -

this place, books, web sites, anything and everything..

but above all YOU HAVE GOT TO WANT TO QUIT Don't be

afraid of it, embrace it, it's an exciting journey with a happy ending..

good luck, look forward to watching your story:)


nsd_user663_2988 profile image

Hiya Blue. Good luck with the quit, and you'll be good. Post back here and let us know how you are getting on. I stopped cold turkey so I can't help you with the medication query, but sincerely hope that it works out for you x

nickywalton profile image

what site is that MarK?


nsd_user663_2981 profile image

wow! that was so fast and so many replys! thanks to all of you, i just had a bath and came back to all these well wishes - and congratulations to you all for your quits , you are all doing so well . Im dreading the quit day but hopefully when i start on the stronger tabs ill go off the fags , im hoping so anyhow and seem to b smoking a little less already. well ill b around for a while now as im in for the long haul this time. thanks

Hi Blue

Don't dread the quit day at all!! Think of it as the first day of the rest of your life. I'm almost at four weeks now, time flies and I love not smoking!

Good Luck :D

nsd_user663_3161 profile image

afternoon everyone , its day 7 today and those fags are definately not so nice today :):mad: , i think , i want a fag, light one up , then put it down again, so im a little grumpy due to the lack of nicotine i think, ben real busy mind, filling the day up with other things oh and sleeping - if all else fails - go to sleep thats what i say lol

Thanks for everyones posts :

nicky , im glad the half dosage is working for u , your doing great, im having great problems getting hold of my stop smoking councillor - but when i do i will talk to her about what ive been experiancing (that reminds me i must phone her again now !) but really if this is what it takes to give up smoking -then thats fine.least im not spewing.

landed out your post is inspiring to me as i smoke roll ups like u did , have done for 14 years , and have tried just about every thing to stop, hopefully i can follow in your footsteps, oh yea by the way whats this site your talking about ? i know nothing about it ???

and everyone else thanks alot for the well wishes,and i think you are all doing soo well....well im on to the stronger tabs tomorrow, bit dubious about that , but at least its sunday, so i dont have to show my face in public lol, well ill post again tomorrow to tell u how its going:p

thanks guys


nsd_user663_2743 profile image

hiya and welcome (im a bit late)

im on champix, well, i was.

it sounds like they are starting to work for you, good luck with it.

nsd_user663_2524 profile image

Hi Blue, l stopped smoking using Champix on 01/01/08. I took them for the full 14 days prior to quitting, to give myself the best chance of succeeding. I think it was about 14 days after quitting, that l reduced to 1 tablet a day, and l stopped taking them completely on 31/01/08. I was a very heavy smoker beforehand, smoking about 50 cigs. a day for over 47 years. :eek: I have been quit for over 3 months now, and have not had even 1 puff. :D Champix, in my opinion, are absolutely wonderful. :) I won't say that l have never craved for a cigarette, but l have always been able to resist the temptation. Keep coming back onto this forum if you are having a weak moment, it definately helps. :cool:

Love Josie

nsd_user663_2524 profile image

Hi Breezy, well done to you too. :cool: I think that how long you stay on Champix before a quit date, is immaterial really. It is the stopping, and staying stopped, which is the most important.:) I took them for 14 days prior to my quit, l felt that l needed to, and even up to the day before my quit, l didn't think that l would be able to give up. But lo and behold, come the day, it was not nearly as difficult as l feared. :D I have been quit now, for over 3 months, without a blip.

Love Josie

nsd_user663_3161 profile image

thanks guys - hearing of your positive experiances on champix brightens my dull and slightly moody day , capper and breezy you are both doing so well, i hope to b speaking from your position very soon

well the stronger tabs have just made me moody , either thart or i just think im moody , either way i am lol - just felt real tired all day , with no oppertunituy to sleep:mad:

at least ill b good and busy tomorrow so hopefully it wont b playing on my mind so much think im only smoking about half my usuaal consumption right noe : which is good, starting to see what people mean, when they say they moved the quit date forwards - just want to start working towards the end now , but prehaps just afew more days to ensure the best chance

what do u think?


nsd_user663_3097 profile image

Champix . .

I started on champix, using my girlfriends as she only used them for like 2 weeks, gave up smoking and stopped using the tabs.

I was on the tabs for 2 days and quit on day 3, i have got to say they used to make me feel ill and did change my mood. I stopped taking the tablets about day 5 and only took one tablet during the day not at night and only the 0.5 mg when i was taking them, so i suppose i pretty much went cold turkey.

I knew i wanted to stop smoking and champix was a good reason for me to initiate the quit, I just didn;t like the feeling they gave me. I was also a little worried as there are reports it is linked to depression - and that's the last thing i want. I had a very very very bad case of depression day 9 - 12, i think it is part of the withdrawl process but cannot say for sure whether or not champix played any part in my deprsssion.

The links in my signature did the rest, whyquit.com and allen carr are essential to help you understand the beast that is nicotine. Once you understand your enemy you are armed with the knowledge and power to defeat him. This knowlege is far stronger and more powerful than any replacement/nicotine relief aid.

I have got to say there have been many many many success stories with champix, depression free and a lot easier than cold turkey, i'm sure there are members that will vouch for it. I am a little biased as i am reluctant taking a paracetamol when i have a headache, i don't like taking tablets. One this is for certain, if you can quit smoking using champix it is better than smoking that nasty dirty widowmaking drug for the rest of your life.


nsd_user663_3161 profile image

hey antifag, been looking at the sites on your signiture and it all seems to b making alot more sense now , thankyou.

down to 7 fags today, decicded to stop on friday, the tablets side effecks have lessened , and im finding myself putting off fags rather than finding time to squeeze one in, feel im heading the right way and the time is nigh , lol

Finally managed to get in touch with my smoking person(lol) and got an appointment at 8;30 tomorrow morning! well at least i know now im not gonna run out at the weekend , wonder why yhey perscribe u so few ? not what you really want to be doing - thats stopping smoking whilst chasing up people and tablets- oh well

well bye for now

blue xx :D

nickywalton profile image

I quit on day 8 of champix - not really had any major probs with

the quitting (quit 15 days ago) - pretty certain its the champix

working as have failed Sooo many times in past..:(

however, I have to add that I have been feeling very ill since

I quit the nicotine - whether that is down to my body trying

to cope without nicotine after 40 yrs or side effect of the drug I don't know..

I'm only taking 2x0.5 mg so I'm gonna trying cutting out the evening

one - if I don't get some sleep soon I'm gonna die anyway:eek:

Not had any moods particularly, just constant dizziness 24/7, cough and


GOOD LUCK to you..:D

nsd_user663_3161 profile image

thanks nicky , 15 days is excellent, and it sounds like it hasnt been toooo bad- hope you feel well again soon, im not sleeping too good either, and the dreams are mad lol, its great to hear about your positive experiance

good luck to u too

blue xx :)

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