Hello all! Just giving an update on how life is after transplant! To start, my step sister/donor is doing wonderfully! She aced her post op and is living life fairly normally, besides being on light duty at work.
As for me, surgery recovery is going well. All of my incisions are pretty much healed, but I still have tenderness where the muscles are still weak on my right side. Numbness around the incisions and the top of my right leg hasn't changed either, but I'm pretty used to it now. I'm able to cook and do most cleaning tasks on my own, but I have issues driving due to side effects from the prednisone and tacrolimus.
The transplant team decided to accelerate my prednisone taper schedule, so I was dropped from 15 mg to 12.5 mg 2 1/2 weeks early. I've also gone down on my tacrolimus, so I'm hopeful that my side effects will improve soon. Currently, I'm still having got flashes, mild insomnia, mood swings and tremors. I also developed sensory issues, such as sensitivity to heat sources (such as in the shower I feel like pins and needles are hitting my skin until it adjusts), and tingling/flushed sensations that leave me nauseous and tired. Unfortunately, there's only so much that can be done right now, so I'm making the best of it. Switching to Myfortic from Mycophenylate has helped my stomach issues tremendously, which has also significantly helped my energy level. I've accepted that I'm going to be having issues for a while, so I'm just keeping a log for my team and managing my symptoms as best as I can.
Overall, I can say that I'm doing well! My creatine is a little higher at 1.01, but that's mostly because I'm having issues keeping enough water in my system. I'm confident it'll go back down as I get used to drinking enough water during the day and night. My potassium and Phosphorus are in normal range and my other levels are looking great as well! Some of the weight gain from the prednisone has made my body uncomfortable, so I'm trying to stay active and eat as healthily as I can. It's worth noting that I do have back deformities and gout/fibromyalgia as well, so gaining 5lbs in a week and a half after losing 7lbs is not the most comfortable if you're small like I am (I'm 5 ft tall and a petite build). On that note, I am halfway to the 3 month mark! Then I can go to the gym, movie theaters during normal hours and not wear a mask everywhere!