Menopause : Is it normal to accumulate... - Weight Loss Support

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saadi26 profile image
54 Replies

Is it normal to accumulate 22 kg in over 5 years time ? Slowly and steadily my weight crept up once I hit 48, I was 70 kg then, but now I am 90.5 kg. At 51 I got my last period. The battle with the bulge carries on. I reduced it to 88.9 kg then I gained it back:( help!

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saadi26 profile image
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54 Replies
PippiRuns profile image
PippiRuns2kgRestart Nov 2023

Hi saadi, I think it is quite common to gain some weight during menopause.

I’m 47 and have had my last period more than a year ago, and I have gained some weight in the process, around 12 kg, but in my case it is a combination of menopause and osteoarthritis in the hip which has forced me to stop running (which I did a lot).

I am working on reversing that now. I don’t want to spend the next 30 years (if I’m allowed that much time) overweight!

Join me! We can do this!

saadi26 profile image
saadi26 in reply to PippiRuns


Thanks for your supportive response.

Tell me, what am I doing wrong? I count calories on my fitness pal(restricting myself to more or less 1200 calories). I gym train thrice a week. Pilates twice a week. How do I kick start my sleeping dormant or dead metabolism!? At 43 I got typhoid fever, after it I was not the same person. Then 2 years later my thyroid went under active. Dr put me on thyroxin, which worsened the matter and escalated the rapid weight gain. Thank god, I’m fine now. For Thyroid I’m treating myself with homeopathy. So, any thoughts ?

Tiggerr profile image
Tiggerr in reply to saadi26

Hi saadi and welcome.

May I suggest that you run the NHS BMI calculator which will provide you with a specific calorie range designed for you. When it asks you about your activity levels, because you are so active, you need to choose the most active option.

I suspect it's going to be way above your 1200. Unless you are quite small, it sounds to me, that you've restricted yourself too much... even more so because of the amount of exercise you do.

saadi26 profile image
saadi26 in reply to Tiggerr

Perhaps you could be right. Although, I’m 5 ft 3 inch tall. And my BMI is now 37.6. Past 1 year I’ve been v regimented and reduced my BMI from 43.6 to 37.

Tiggerr profile image
Tiggerr in reply to saadi26

If you don't mind me asking, what result did you get?

I'm impressed that you've been so dedicated. Being too strict will allow us to lose weight for a period of time but most people will eventually hit a wall. These might help...

saadi26 profile image
saadi26 in reply to Tiggerr

Thyroid results?

Tiggerr profile image
Tiggerr in reply to saadi26

:O ... the NHS BMI calculator that I linked :)

saadi26 profile image
saadi26 in reply to Tiggerr


1748 - 2247 kcal

Tiggerr profile image
Tiggerr in reply to saadi26

That means that currently you could maintain on around 2750 cals. You're essentially starving yourself and your body has had enough.

Please take your time and read all the links you've been provided, make sure you understand what has been said and then if you still think the way forward is to eat even less, at least you'll have made the choice with more information.

Good luck!

saadi26 profile image
saadi26 in reply to Tiggerr

I am reading all the links one by one. It all makes sense. You are right, I am eating less, probably that is the reason. I shall make the smart choice and keep you posted, if you don't mind. I'm also contemplating of starting the couch to 5k run. That might do the trick? what do you think?

Tiggerr profile image
Tiggerr in reply to saadi26

You're already doing a lot of exercise and that in itself is good for the overall health of the body but the concept that people can find hard to grasp is that weight loss is mostly down to eating well or if you like, sensibly. Of course if you enjoy your current level of activity and you like the idea of the challenge of C25K, then why not.

I'm bicycling quite a bit at the moment and in one day on some of my cycle rides, I burn over 4000 cals. That doesn't mean I lose loads more weight because I need to eat plenty so that my metabolism continues to work for me and not against me.

Of course I don't mind and nor will anyone else.

saadi26 profile image
saadi26 in reply to Tiggerr

Eating right does make sense.

PippiRuns profile image
PippiRuns2kgRestart Nov 2023 in reply to saadi26

If you weigh around 90 kg and have gained 22 kg while eating 1200 calories , something is wrong with your metabolism, I would say.

I weigh around 75 kg, eat 1600 calories and I am losing weight.

I think you need to see your doctor again.

saadi26 profile image
saadi26 in reply to PippiRuns

22 kg piled up in past 5 years. The 1200 calorie diet I started almost a year back. Which helped in fat loss from 43.6 to 37. But even if I indulge or go on a vacation my weight returns v quickly. Ex: before 1 month vacation I was 88.9 kg and I became 91.7 in 4 weeks :( which dr should I see? The thyroid one ?

BridgeGirl profile image
BridgeGirlAdministrator2 stone in reply to saadi26

If you read the links I've given, that will explain how, by continued under-eating, you have caused problems for your metabolism. That would happen to any of us. It's the body's normal response.

Please check your recommended calorie range with the NHS BMI calculator - Tiggerr has given you the link - and let us know what it says.

As for your thyroid condition, that needs to be properly medicated. There is a Thyroid UK forum you may like to join

PippiRuns profile image
PippiRuns2kgRestart Nov 2023 in reply to saadi26

I don’t know, saadi, I wish I knew more about what is happening to you. It must be so frustrating to work so hard and see no results.

saadi26 profile image
saadi26 in reply to PippiRuns

tell me about it

saadi26 profile image
saadi26 in reply to PippiRuns

Yes I have upper my calorie intake !

PippiRuns profile image
PippiRuns2kgRestart Nov 2023 in reply to saadi26

Upped calories and lost weight. That is great! So good to hear.

Maria527 profile image
Maria527 in reply to saadi26

Saadi - All I can say is, "me too!" I'm 53. Last period at 51. Gained 10 kilo since then. Extremely resistant to weight loss efforts and like you try to stay under 1200 calories (even closer to 1000). I also have an underactive thyroid and am on Levothyroxine. My doctor just upped my dose a few weeks ago. I'm doing the Couch-to-5K running programs and do leg strength exercises and abdominal/core exercises routinely. I've managed to lose 2 kilo (water weight), and am now stuck fast on a plateau.

I do not know the answer. All I know is that I do better when I follow a low carb diet, so that's what I'm doing right now. I'll be happy to lose just 5 kilo if I can ever get there! Gah! I don't have answers, but I feel your frustration.

BridgeGirl profile image
BridgeGirlAdministrator2 stone in reply to Maria527

The same answer as I've given saadi. You're not eating enough, and you're probably not eating the right things.

I'll give you the same information I've given saadi, then you'll be able to make progress. Please read them

BridgeGirl profile image
BridgeGirlAdministrator2 stone in reply to Maria527

And go to the Thyroid UK forum where you'll get excellent advice

saadi26 profile image
saadi26 in reply to BridgeGirl

will look it up now, thank you!

Tiggerr profile image
Tiggerr in reply to Maria527

We've had a lifetime of indoctrination Maria that we need to keep eating less and less and like any brainwashing, it is difficult to accept that any other way might work.

Maybe taking on board what's being said by Bridgegirl is difficult so why not read what Cosmo501 has written in reply to saadi, further along in this thread.

in reply to saadi26

Hi Saadi levothyroxine usually helps people with a slow thyroid to lose weight but if they have not enough active T3 due to the prescription, then the weight might increase. Other menopausal weight problems might be to do with your oestrogen balance. When you look back did you have PMT with mood swings? Do you know if there is a hormonal imbalance which needs HRT? Is your blood pressure raised?

People have different ways of making the metabolism accelerate. Have you read Stphen Gundys berry diet? He was a heart surgeon until a patient taught him about certain fruits which could clear the arteries and accelerate the metabolism. As you have a 1200 calorie a day diet, then may be you have not weighed your food, or are eating foods which can affect your hormones such as sugar and cheese and fizzy drinks which are gassy and make your stomach swell. I am on a grain free diet as I found out recently they were making my weight increase with dissension with fluid retention. Dairy and egg were also having a bad effect on my gut. Cutting down cheese to an ounce a day, removing grain products with wheat rye barley maize and rice helped me lose weight. I had salads with tomatoes, celery, spinach leaves grated carrot, avocado, and ate more vegetables . The berries such as blueberries strawberries and blackcurrants helped to accelerate metabolism. I had a little cream but the fruit on its own was not too sweet or calorie laden. I cut out milk sugar in milk by going lactase free, and avoided low calorie drinks with sucralose in them as they convert to sugar in the liver and store as fat. If you weigh your food carefully and read labels then if your weight loss is still maintained then you are doing fine. When you reach a plateau that means that the fat may be burning off from your internal organs.

A protein diet with cottage cheese, or chicken with green vegetables, and less potato and grain may stimulate your metabolism. Vitamin C, zinc, selenium, and vitamin D and iron are essential for you health and weight. They help your metabolism. I guess that virus you had when you were younger may have affected your metabolism. I found that if weight was stubborn then dropping the calorie levels by cutting down on carbs so going down to 1000 calories for a few weeks might make all the difference. I need to lose half a stone as have been overindulgent with crisps and some plain chocolate. Slap handy! Sure you will be successful with help from folk on the website.

BridgeGirl profile image
BridgeGirlAdministrator2 stone in reply to

I would question your recommendation for saadi that she lower her calorie intake even further when she has been eating way below the recommended level for a year and has ground to a halt. That is what will have affected her metabolism much more that an earlier illness

I agree her thyroid condition needs appropriate medication and advice needs to be sought

saadi26 profile image
saadi26 in reply to BridgeGirl

hmhmmhmmh food for thought!

saadi26 profile image
saadi26 in reply to

Thank you so much for such a detailed response.

I have a food weight calculator. I have been weighing everything, cutting out stuff which makes me bloated and gassy, like lentils & wheat bread etc. Shall look up the berry diet.

Yes, according to my Dr that virus gave me auto immune disease. You are right and it did affect my metabolism. Dr told me to layoff gluten as well. I'm trying to follow the instructions.

I'll see if I can try 1000 calorie diet. Wish me luck!

in reply to saadi26

I found it helped my metabolism after a plateau. It was not hard to do as I was eating protein but not red meat which can take longer to digest. Also I was having a daily allowance of a quarter of a pint of milk a day and a piece of fruit and taking multivitamins and minerals. I was not consciously calorie counting but sticking to water vegetables, and using olive oil. I am sure your physician was right about your autoimmune disease.

saadi26 profile image
saadi26 in reply to

will try your tips about diet! thanks

BridgeGirl profile image
BridgeGirlAdministrator2 stone in reply to saadi26

Please, please, please don't!

I have checked your calorie recommendation with the NHS BMI calculator, with the details you have given above. A healthy range for you would be around 1608-2067. You have been eating way too little for at least a year.

I suggest you now read and take your time understanding those links I've given you, then start eating around the middle of your advised range.

saadi26 profile image
saadi26 in reply to BridgeGirl

ok then!

PandQs profile image
PandQsMaintainer3st 7lbs in reply to saadi26

Don’t go down to 1000 calories, you will end up fatter afterwards!

pathall profile image
pathall in reply to saadi26


I have been exactly the same. Put on 3 stone since I hit 50.( very gradually). I too have underactive thyroid. Just recently been diagnosed with Osteoporosis, I have attended gym 4 days a week doing aquafit, never lost a pound. Then tried circuits yoga and pilates to do something different. Looked after young grandchildren when I retired at 62. I try to keep to 1200 calories and have followed Slimming world. The most I have lost over 8 months is 8 pounds altogether. It doesn't matter what I do it doesn't budge. I cannot give up as I think if I don't try I will just keep piling on the weight.

I am 68 now.

BridgeGirl profile image
BridgeGirlAdministrator2 stone

Hello, have you had time to read the information moreless gave you when you joined? Was it useful?

I'll give you the main one again which will help you understand why it's harder to lose weight as we get older and this offers a way forward

saadi26 profile image
saadi26 in reply to BridgeGirl

Thank you, will read carefully through and try to see what am I doing wrong!

Cosmo501 profile image
Cosmo501Restart May 2024

Hi saadi26, these Admin people are wonderful at pointing us all in the right direction!

I was at a similar desperation point as you a few months back, and just couldn’t lose weight despite ‘dieting’ diligently and exercising. I also was advised I was eating far too FEW calories! Sounds crazy, but I took a chance and when I followed their advice, seriously increased my calories and changed my way of eating to low carb, the weight is finally dropping off very comfortably.

Wishing you all the best to find your way through this weight loss maze! There is light at the end of the tunnel!

saadi26 profile image
saadi26 in reply to Cosmo501

Surely it feels like a lot of positive practical support coming my way, since I’ve joined and shared my frustrating weight loss journey! I’m making notes and will try to make small changes here and there. Hopefully will see results and share with you all! Bless u

PandQs profile image
PandQsMaintainer3st 7lbs in reply to saadi26

Hi Saadi26, follow the good advice from the administrators, read what they have sent and hopefully you will start moving in the righ5 direction. Best of luck!

TheAwfulToad profile image

Hi saadi - apart from the many posts suggesting that you're eating too little (which is almost certainly correct) it's worth pointing out that bodies seem to need far fewer carbohydrates (starchy foods) as we get older. Carbs are "fast energy" for active bodies - unless you're doing intense, prolonged exercise like Tiggerr, your body literally has no use for them and just stashes them away as fat. A lot of people find that obesity creeps up on them slowly, over years or decades, for this reason. It usually happens around mid-30s. For me it happened in my late 20s. So in a way you were lucky!

You might want to think about getting most of your energy from dietary fat. Fat is processed for energy in a very different way, which is more well-matched to that age-related slowdown! It might seem counterintuitive, but dietary fat does not make you fat; many of us here are eating this way and we find that it's a very effective way to lose weight and stay generally healthy.

If you'd like to know more you can join the LCHF group:

saadi26 profile image
saadi26 in reply to TheAwfulToad

Hmmhmh yes, perhaps you are right. I’ll def make sensible choices regarding fat and carbs. Thank you

Hopalong1 profile image
Hopalong12st 7lbs

Hello Saadi26, I am 53 and getting there with the menopause. I have found planning on the Daily Diary really helpful. I would recommend coming on for a week or more to aid weight loss. Good luck X

Gromita1 profile image

Hello Saadi, yes I think that is the case with a lot of women certainly I'm in that group! I think some women are predisposed to weight gain (both my parents have been overweight) and menopause changes your body. The important thing I think is to make small changes and try and keep them up (for instance I have stopped sugar in coffee/tea and stopped eating bread) It's important to make sustainable changes otherwise as soon as you go back to your usual eating pattern the weight goes back on! I know I've lost the same stone many times :) now to follow my own advice!! good luck

fosterdown profile image

I think a lot of ladies will identify with his one, I am in the same boat and losing weight is so much slower, very frustrating

Arty_28 profile image

In exactly the same boat. 47, hit menopause, gained 2 stone and rising. I hit the 12-stone mark on the scales last week and almost cried.

After advice on here I'm trying a LCHF diet this week. Upping my calorie intake from 1300 recommend to 1,700 too. Will let you know how I get on =)

Arty_28 profile image
Arty_28 in reply to Arty_28

Oh and someone in this group sent me this link, which is what I used to get to my decision:

san_ray70 profile image

I am 70 now, so I thought I would try and lose weight, I have lost 1 and a half stone, trying for 2, not sure after that, I might try for three. My reason was breathlessness, now I am a lot better.

focused1 profile image

I don't like the word diet and for most it is too rigid and thats why people who make a lot of effort then find they either have no social life or get sick of the control it has then on goes the weight again ...and more .

Aged 59 and mortgage paid I threw whatever I fancied in my trolley and ate too much of it.Wake up call when 18 months ago - 5ft 1 and 80kg I developed hiatus hernia which is mainly initiated by overeating .

After op in Jan 2018 I just started eating less and not snacking . Watching what I ate but cutting no actual foods out . This has worked for me . I am not super skinny but I am fit enough to do at least 3 energetic Zumba classes where I leap about with those a third of my age . I maintain around 62kg which I find suits me as I don't want to be scrawny or lose more as my skin especially round my arms has really aged and is loose .

Health wise - mentally and physically I feel great . Confidence has enabled me to change jobs twice in 18 months as I won't be walked on anymore .

Please don't starve yourself . Eat 3 decent meals a day . Weekends are wine and treat times as my social life counts for my well being too .I have a good main course at a restaurant as I find I am really full and satisfied after just 1 course.

This is lifestyle that you can maintain and enjoy. Not a lesson or punishment .

Dj9ao profile image

Oh yes I know the pain

I put on 3 stone leading up to the menapause, never before having weight issues

It then stuck there or was fluctuating through the month & always returning to 12 stone for 2 years!

Since having no period for nearly 4 months the weight has slowly started to reduce, a pound at a time which I am grateful for

I walk 5 miles a day & eat a balanced diet but was getting no change in weight loss, I have been reading Dr mariam stoppard advice that women of a certain age need to build up muscle to lose the weight so have been going to gym 2/3 times per week

Which is when I started losing a pound per week for last 7 weeks

Good luck x

saadi26 profile image
saadi26 in reply to Dj9ao

Thank u for the encouraging words. Really helps thinking I’m not alone in this. Going to change my gym routine my son is going to help me take me out of this plateau by focusing on increase in heart rate to burn the fat!!

Dogpal profile image
Dogpal2 stone

I have struggled with weight gain since menopause, when I started lchf I was 12st 9lbs. I had not been that weight since I was pregnant! I was horrified! Thankfully it is coming off, I'm now down to 11st 4lb, my aim is 10st 7lb. Thank goodness for lchf and this forum. 😁

Lytham profile image
Lytham3 stone

Hi have you managed to join a weigh in day yet? Here's the link to tomorrows which is open now if you'd like to weigh in? :-) x

saadi26 profile image

Hello everyone!

I changed a lot in past 3 days. Upped my gym training. Started gym with my son, who is a gym freak. Upped my calories. My weight stands at 90 Kg now. Lost half kg in past few days! 😄 it was stuck at 90.5 for past 1 month!

Cosmo501 profile image
Cosmo501Restart May 2024 in reply to saadi26

Brilliant! Onwards and downwards 😊

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