hello everyone
It’s been awhile since I’ve posted anything or responded to posts. I actually changed my username.
Im truly sorry I haven’t been there for those who have needed the support lately.
The only excuse I have is that I’m lost.
I was trying meds again and therapy but the meds started causing erratic heart beats and pain etc. I couldn’t function on the dose I was supposed to take and so I had to cut it to 1/3 . To say the least it failed. Last trip to my Doc I told them I’m done . I’m done fighting with OCD and trying all the meds etc . I hate that society refers to OCD as a mental health condition, when I hear from Docs all the time that it’s mostly a physical condition within the brain . My last ditch effort is to get a brain scan done so I can prove to my family and those doubters that what I have is Soooooo Real and so agonizing.
My Doc says I’m not only OCD patient who has done exactly what I’m doing. I need to know I’m not crazy. I need proof “physically “ that my brain doesn’t function normal “physically “.
Im so worn out and I’m in a fog again. Similar to the fog I was in when I lost two of my best friends and only things that understood and loved me. My two dogs who I miss so much every day . Now is when I need them and they are gone . I can never own another because the pain of losing them eventually is too unbearable.
So I walk the face of this earth afraid to end it all ,…and wanting to be free of this disease, and wanting to feel loved and not alone. Im at a crossroads in life again. OCD has wrecked my marriage, probably my relationship with my beautiful kids, and everyone around me. I can’t do or say anything right . So I stay to myself as much as possible. Now my job is getting worse and it’s effected that to point I’m afraid of losing that .
The only peace I get barely, is watching the birds I feed out the window or when I get one to land in my hand and eat sometimes.
it’s almost like they sense the sadness and sense I’m not going to harm them.
Unfortunately I cannot do that every minute of the day .
The rest of my day is usually turmoil.
i don’t want to feel the agony of OCD anymore, and I surely don’t want it to cause anyone else agony . So do I pack up and go somewhere Alone where I don’t have to be judged and I don’t cause others stress from it ?
I feel like a failure. An extremely tired one that is worn out and beat down from this .
I messaged my Doc today to ask why or when they will eventually send me the background on what type of brain scan and testing can be done.
I hope I get some answers because I’m barely holding up
sorry to rant everyone. I know we are all going through so much. I’m just reaching out because I’m lost and in that Fog all over again, and it’s not a good thing