Hi, my husband and I have been trying to conceive for 2 years, we had a miscarriage 12 years ago at the start of our relationship. Thought we were doing the right thing to enjoy our twenties, find the perfect family house, get married then try to start our family. Stupidly I thought we'd fall pregnant right after we started trying especially since years before I fell pregnant when we were not trying to conceive.
When I first came off the pill my period seemed ok for 2 months then stopped for 6 months, at that time I experienced a stabbing pain on my left side, during investigations they found I had a endometriosis cyst but they were not concerned, my periods did come back but were abit irregular varying from 21 days to 35 days a cycle but we were to continue trying and they monitored the cyst over the 2 years.
2 years in and have both just completed fertility testing with results we were not expecting. My husband sperm mobility percentage was lower than average and my blood tests showed high levels of fsh, my ovaries are not working although I've been having "periods" I'm not releasing eggs I'm going through early menopause.
I'm still finding this extremely hard to process. I just feel empty inside that everything we ever wanted has been taking from us and can't see how we will get through it. I feel so angry at life, at myself for wasting the last 12 years trying to make sure we were ready to support a family and now this. We have to wait until January to find out our options, my husband is keen to look at adoption but at this time I'm not mentally ready. I feel the same about IVF as I don't know if I'll have any eggs of my own and if donors are our only option it makes more sense to adopt.
I'm not sure why I'm writing this post my fertility nurse recommended I contact this website and I've been reading different posts/watching online blogs I'm searching for something but I dunno what.