I spotted the post about the variety of ways you can access CBT and now it's appearing in various forms and has done for a while. There are a few reasons for this, one is cost, two is accessibility (remoteness, disability) and three is choice.
There are two main differences to notice in CBT interventions other than 1:1. For instance our course is advertised as 'CBT-based' which means that it is not delivered by a trained CBT therapist, but that the concepts of CBT are turned in to materials either for download, books, CD's and online interactive versions. The idea being that the materials help you do most of the work and the guide/coach/mentor is there to 'support' you with the programme.
Our course is available and funded for those people living in Scotland with internet access and are happy to talk on the phone.
See: actionondepression.org/serv... and actionondepression.org/serv...
We monitor and evaluate the whole programme and for those who complete ALL 6 sessions there is an improvement in mood and anxiety of just over 50%. So it shows that is does work for the right people who feel it would be appropriate for them. We also promote it more for those with mild to moderate depression and anxiety although we have seen good results in those with more severe depression if they have good enough motivation and concentration to be able to work through the materials.
The others around are
* llttf.com - written by the same Dr who has developed our programme
* llttf.tv/ - Living Life TV, same Dr as above
* moodgym.anu.edu.au - MoodGym is an Australian programme available world-wide
* beatingtheblues.co.uk/ - Beating the Blues available free to certain NHS areas in England, Wales and Scotland, but people outwith those areas can pay
* fearfighter.com/ - Similar to Beating the Blues, but focuses more on anxeity and panic
* expertpatients.co.uk/expert... - Quite new to the whole on support area, but focuses on self-management. Doesn't say what areas, but you can get in contact to find out more.
* bemindfulonline.com/ - Mindfulness by MIND
* thewellnessshop.co.uk/ - The Wellness Shop - cost money.
* nhs24.com/UsefulResources/L... - Living Life from NHS24 in Scotland. Telephone CBT and Guided Self-Help
So, there is a whole variety, but we must stipulate that is has to be what's right for you and it's worth giving it a try. If it's not your thing, then that's ok, because often it is trial and error and that's what makes it difficult in treating quite stubborn depression and anxiety conditions.
Anyone in Scotland wanting to give ours a go, you're more then welcome to get in touch. info@actionondepression.org
There are 3 elements to ours, 1. The online part, 2. The workbooks and 3 Telephone Support.
e-health Officer
Action on Depression