Has anyone attended a CBT course as opposed to having CBT one-to-one therapy to help with depression? I had my telephone assessment today to see which service is best for me and was offered a place on a 10 week couse - 2 hours per week. Alternatively I could have 6 x 30 min one-to-one therapy sessions. The waiting time is about the same for both (6 weeks). I wondered if anyone else has attended a similar course and if they found the course useful?
CBT course versus one-to-one therapy? - Mental Health Sup...
CBT course versus one-to-one therapy?

I've taught CBT and didn't find the knowledge in itself helped me but you may find it very helpful, it depends whether you think the approach makes sense of your problems. Why not google CBT and read about the theory and way it works in detail for yourself, if you think it makes sense and you feel you would be able to apply it yourself then the course would be fine. However if you feel unsure whether it is a helpful approach or if you feel you would have problems motivating yourself sufficiently to apply it by yourself then I would go for the one-to-one, often if you are able to use it and need more then you may be offered an additional six weeks in many areas of the country. Good luck, Sue

Thanks Sue. I'll have a look around as you suggest. There's some very useful links I received in the email from the person who did my assessment also the MIND website has some useful stuff.

Hi Sue, where did you train to use CBT and at what level was this?.
Not even heard of CBT. Maybe it's only England?

Not sure whether cognitive based therapy (CBT) is just an England thing. Don't think so. It seems to be a very popular approach in helping overcome depression. I'm pleased I've been offered it and will give it a try.
Here's a few words on CBT from the MIND website which explains a bit more about what it is: "CBT is a form of talking therapy that combines cognitive therapy and behaviour therapy. It focuses on how you think about the things going on in your life – your thoughts, images, beliefs and attitudes (your cognitive processes) – and how this impacts on the way you behave and deal with emotional problems. It then looks at how you can change any negative patterns of thinking or behaviour that may be causing you difficulties. In turn, this can change the way you feel."
Not heard of it before, though I have asked my psychiatrist about something similar - was never referred.
No we have it here in NZ. Cognitive behaviour therapy I would have thought would be in most countries.I am originally from the UK and find this site so helpful and supportive.
Hi, I'm just wondering how the research is going, any thoughts abut which you'll go for?

Your timing is perfect SHR. I've just responded to the assessor to ask more questions about my options. The course does sound good and I'd like to go for that. I think it will be good to attend and also provide useful resources should I need to revisit the techniques again. BUT because of the timing, it will mean I'll have to let my employer know about my depression, which I'm loathed to do. To be honest I think they'd give me the time, but I'm not sure it wouldn't be held against me in the future (not formally of course, but you know when it comes to choosing the next one out of the door..... that kind of thing). So the telephone therapy may be an option I can do without them knowing. I'm very interested in the technique. I've had a look around the web (signed up for moodgym, but haven't had a go at it yet) and followed the links provided by the assessor including a link to the living life to the full pages. I'm really keen to improve, I don't want to feel like this and am prepared to work hard.
I learned a lot in group therapy and found this a good introduction to cbt as I was able to observe without the pressure to speak [differs group to group].
I've since had 1-to-1 and this helped because it was about me.
if you do go to group, try not to take anyone on, you are not there to rescue them. I'm not being unkind, it's a common trap to fall into.
I'd love it if you would let me know whether you find CBT useful as I am thinking of getting referred to stop my slipping into deep negativity. Hope it goes well. Suex

Hi Sue, I am definitely going to give it a go. My thoughts at the moment are to have 1-2-1 therapy supplemented by an online CBT course/books. The face to face course sounds great, and I would have preferred that, but it just isn't a practical time for me. I'll let you know how it goes. The 1-2-1 is likely to be about a 6 week wait. I'll keep you posted ....... Sue xx
Hi Sue
I have had CBT course and found it helpful to share experiences with others to listen to how others feel and their experiences this method covers a wider range of things and perhaps not as individualised as 1:1 which I am also recving at moment. I find 1;1 realy helpful to as it is personalised specifically to my issues and goals I want to reach.
So I think try both if they are offered and see which one works for you!
All the best and hope you find support helpful
Corinne xxx
Thanks Corinne. Unfortunately I wasn't able to go to the course, but am on the waiting list now for telephone 1:1. I've started an online CBT based course - Mood Gym. Hopefully I'll find that useful too. It's encouraging to hear sucess stories, I'm pleased CBT is helping you. Sue xx
I personally have received both one to one therapy and CBT therapy. Although at the time both helped however CBT teaches you to identify and work through core issues. You do have to commit and use the work sheets so that you can look through and challenge your percepted thoughts. As say this because although we think something it doesn't mean those thoughts are true!!. As humans we learn from situations but those situations can become maladaptive where we think every situation will turn out the same. They will if we think that way and it is hard to sometimes think other wise. You will look at your learned life assumptions and challenge them.