Too much pent-up energy.: Umm so a... - Mental Health Sup...

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Too much pent-up energy.

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4 Replies

Umm so a second ago I had so much energy and so much to say that I got bored and did something else but now I am back still want to get this out but do not know what I want to say anymore.

I guess I am going to break it into chinks because the ideas are back and there are so many that the paragraph would be all over the place and make no sense so instead I am going to give each idea its own bullet point.

-I have these old Bluetooth headphones that have reached the end of their battery life so they die after one song and I like my music and I would rather listen to it in my headphones than out loud (IDK why so don't ask) so It makes me mad when they die

- sometimes I get overwhelmed or annoyed because my siblings are fighting even if I am just overhearing it

-I wanna go somewhere and do something but idk what and would honestly probably just wanna leave when I get there

-sometimes I think I have anger issues but no idea what to do if I do

-ummmm (I lost my train of thought) I feel like I am floating sometimes, or I will get dizzy or lightheaded or both (sometimes I get so lightheaded and dizzy when I stand up I lose control over my body and I start swaying kinda and sometimes I'll slowly fall or move around. My vision will sometimes blur or blackout when this happens also)

-my mom thinks I might be sense sensitive (and I will agree) for example I hate and can't stand quite a few sounds I also dislike the way a lot of things feel (to touch), I reacted worse or just as bad as a baby when a doctor tried to check my ear. That's all the examples I can think of.

-I have a lot of plans and goals but suck at following through and I am not a fan of routines or strict rules you have to follow

Ok bye, I guess. I want to talk but would get bored or clingy and dislike it and want to be done or idk what I am saying anymore so yeah.

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4 Replies
FriendlyDude profile image

I understand overhearing family fights. It’s not pleasant. It helps me to remind myself that they are not in my control, it’s their choice to fight and I can’t change them or their behavior. Only they can do that for themselves. At most, you can politely talk about it and try persuading them to not fight, but again it’s still up to them. When you can’t do anything about it, maybe try to go somewhere else like outside or a quiet location. You can distract yourself or do something that brings you closer to a state of balance, just try not to dwell on negative influences. Acknowledge them, yes, but try to move forward.

If/When you find yourself feeling angry, take a time out and calm down. Take a couple minutes to just breathe and reflect. Notice what you’re feeling, what you’re thinking, but don’t judge your thoughts or feelings, simply acknowledge them. It’s important to recognize that your reactions are normal. Last thing to do is reflect on your personal values, and do something that reflects those values. For example, if you value forgiveness, you could take action by genuinely forgiving anyone involved in whatever’s upsetting you. You could apologize too, even if it’s not necessarily your fault. Being first to say sorry has meaning. It opens the door to resolutions, rather than grudges. And regardless of their choice, you’ve done your part, and the rest is their part (which is not in your control, so you can then move forward knowing you did what you could).

What you said about the floaty, dizzy, lightheaded, swaying out of control, temporary blur or blackout; I’ve experienced that too. It’s been quite a while since it happened last, but I understand. Definitely a weird sensation. You’re not the only one. If it starts to happen, slow down, sit/lay down, take it easy and drink some water. I have no idea if hydration is related, but it’s a good idea nonetheless.

As for rules, perhaps change the way you think about it. When I think of it as “I have to do this” it has a negative vibe to it. But if I think of it as “this actually allows me to ___” it’s more positive. It can be hard depending on the rule, but oftentimes a rule will have a positive aspect if you look for it. Basically look for the good.

That’s all I got right now, I’m pretty tired. I hope that helps :)

Hello Teen-Anxiety

May I ask how old are you. ?

My Siblings through been younger in years were a pain in the behind because I was in my twenties and longing to get away from them, you see I was always wrong, with family and Siblings, very uncomfortable

Generally I kept out of the house I would go swimming during the day and dancing at night. During the week I would study at my Girlfriend and go see my Grandparents and make their Sunday dinner and also work in my future garden, then out dancing again. I was also a Youth Leader and would be at my Youthclub, then go for a drink. I would keep out everyones way, of course that upset everyone, so what I was happy without the distraction of a chaotic home environement.

That Is what I did, Home was a real misery of a place to be.

What would you like to do ?


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teen_anxiety in reply to

I am 17 and Uh Idk I have goals but they are all long-term goals.

in reply to teen_anxiety


What would you like to do in the short term hobbies or sports. At seventeen the world is your Oyster. Are there any groups tha have interests. When I was at College there was activities we could take on. One interest some people did was building Hovercraft, although they were studying Marine Mechanics, They were expecting to go to sea. It was all down to learning A Trade at seventeen, they used to race them on the coastal tyne, Have you an interests in something you wish to do when you leave school or college.. What about Walking etc. there are plenty of thing to do if you want to burn of energy. You need to keep yourself busy and take your mind of things you feel are not in your best pysical interests.

When I was stuck I would go Sea/ River fishing, That would allow me to give time to think what I wanted to do. I also qualified to be a Youth Leader when I reached a certain age, that opened up a host of activities.

You are still young I was twenty one when I qualified, although I was involved as a Cycling Instructor for several years from seventeen

Plenty to do, I wish I was fit enough now for some of my past activities. Boredom can really upset the applecart


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