Me and my diagnose: I've been suffering... - Mental Health Sup...

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Me and my diagnose

JoanellaJ profile image
18 Replies

I've been suffering with depression for 9 years...pills after pills nothing worked for me..i lost faith in G ps i refused to take any more drugs.. i stopoed my last pill because i felt worse as the time went on..i fired my doctor because her and her secretary were very rude..heartless..and very cold. I searched the net for answers i came across a post. It offered a procedure for depression..its like a stimulant for your is new to my city. It was very pricy but we had the money to do it. I saw the nurse and then she recommended me to the psychiatritis for more in debt of the procedure .he assesed

Me and told me i was by polar 2 he prescribed me pills for by polar 2

All these years I was misdiagnosed ...on the wrong meds and wrong doctor.

I'm in Aww ..I feel better on new pills on 2 days.... I dont need the procedure after all..we saved is over$ 3.000.. now we can put that money on other things to enjoy!!@!

Happy ending for me I prayed through this....God is Faithful.

Joan McKay

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18 Replies
MAS_Nurse profile image

Hello Joan, so pleased that you have a positive outcome from your new consultant and that things are at last looking bright for you. There are bound to be some highs and some lows but we are so glad that you now have a firm diagnosis and faith in your Dr.

Please do keep posting and letting us know how you are doing.

Best wishes,

MAS Nurse & Moderator.

JoanellaJ profile image
JoanellaJ in reply to MAS_Nurse

I'm not to have any highs or lows he Said because he caught it in time its bypolar 2. I will keep u all posted. I've been on mood stabilizers for one month now and I can think clearly wow it's been along time since I could do this feels great !! my doctor is slowly upping my dose ..I take a sleeping pill he says when I'm at 100 mgs wont need sleepng sleeping pills ..the tears are going away too..I'm so thankful!!

Stilltrying_ profile image

Wow what a great positive story. So pleased for you and it gives hope to others. Yes we are often misdiagnosed and given the wrong meds unfortunately but it's great when things go right in the end. :) Could you PM me and tell me what are the pills you are on now, as they may help me too.

JoanellaJ profile image
JoanellaJ in reply to Stilltrying_

PMS- lamotrigine

Stilltrying_ profile image
Stilltrying_ in reply to JoanellaJ

Thanks. I know we are all different but I am going to ask my doctor about this med just to see if it can help me too.

JoanellaJ profile image
JoanellaJ in reply to Stilltrying_

All the best to u I had 5 doctors...they didnt take time for me but maybe your doctor is phycaritits spent 2 hrs with me and my hubby..

Stilltrying_ profile image
Stilltrying_ in reply to JoanellaJ

So glad your psychiatrist spent that time and you got diagnosed properly. Mine isn't too bad. She gives about 30 minutes but its only every 6 months I can see her now. They are so busy ; it's such a shame as a little bit more time would help so many of us; they need to get more doctors and more awareness of mental health.

But at least you are one success story :)

JoanellaJ profile image
JoanellaJ in reply to Stilltrying_

You are so right about mental health care I will pray for u

lorianxiety profile image
lorianxiety in reply to Stilltrying_

I agree wholeheartedly,whether your in Uk or Usa./wherever,its time Doctors realised that pills are not the entire answer to mental health and therefore should be equipped to deal with mental and physical together as they are both interlinked.,in many ways.

Leaandfrank19 profile image

That’s brilliant news! I have type 1 bipolar and when I found the drug that was right for me, I went back to the old me but more mentally stronger. Love that your feeling better! I like positive outcomes on mental health as there is a light at the end of that dark tunnel! X

JoanellaJ profile image
JoanellaJ in reply to Leaandfrank19

What is type one?? We are all different types cute lol

Leaandfrank19 profile image

It’s where you have manic episodes which are highly dangerous for some people for example I believed I knew the meaning of life and how to live it. Yeah I even went down to cutting water out because it had sodium in it so was bad for you 😂 I can laugh about it now but at the time, that truly is your reality. You have episodes of psychosis which can affect your senses such as hearing things, seeing things (I saw my deceased grandad and everyone looked like vampires one day) very scary stuff. Teamed with that we have massive highs that can last a long time and then plummet to depression for ages afterwards. I think with type 2 your highs and lows are quite erratic aren’t they? They go up and down all the time, whereas type 1 you go dangerously high and then dangerously low, there’s no in betweens I think. I can only go by my experience and what I’ve read. I was pretty severe at my worst and needed sectioning for my own health. That’s why I would never be coming off my lithium as it works in keeping me well and I don’t ever want to go back to the hell hole I was in. I know I’m rabbiting now but I’m fascinated by the illness. I loved my highs I felt unstoppable but like they say what goes up must come down and it’s that simple with bipolar. What have you found that’s worked for you? X

JoanellaJ profile image
JoanellaJ in reply to Leaandfrank19

I was just diagnosed all new to me my phycsrotitst seems to think he can keep me in the middle at a even keel

Leaandfrank19 profile image

Well that’s what they put you on a mood stabiliser, to stop our moods becoming erratic. I’m on lithium and I swear by it. It has kept me well 4 years now but different meds work for different people. Hope you find the right one for you x

JoanellaJ profile image

My brother was on lithium

JoanellaJ profile image

Be careful on lithium

Leaandfrank19 profile image
Leaandfrank19 in reply to JoanellaJ

I have 3 monthly blood tests which check my levels and some check my thyroid and liver function to check it’s ok. So far so good and it keeps me well even through pregnancy I have a beautiful baby boy 😊 if you don’t mind me asking what happened to your brother on it? X

JoanellaJ profile image

He was on lithium for years..he functioned pretty well he had a job..but wasn't really sociable..he was a saint he never drank..cursed he always had good to speak of others.. as the years went on his right hand shook from the drug..he later had a heart attack then a bleed to the brain..the Lord took him quick.he did not deserve to suffer he was special to me. It was hard on our family when he passed away..

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