Hi, my name is Sarah. I suffer with anxiety and depression, because I was sexually abused and rapped by my brother's it started from the age of 7year's old my twin sister was sexually abused by the younger brother. But for me it was by both brother's. The eldest brother is 8years older than me. I know MY LIFE is coming to an END. I finally had the strength to go back to the police. As I done a statement back in 2005, but my mother made me stop it. I always swore. The day my mother passed away, was the day it was all coming OUT. But YET again my mother begged ME not to do anything. She said to me one day. Sarah if I go before Ur step dad, Please Don't do anything, So I kept to my word. When he died. I went to the police. Cut a long story short. IT WENT TO CROWN COURT. But because when ME and MY TWIN SISTER DONE our statements. ...... the .....officer said that we would have to read and sign the statement, but it was hard enough to go over reliving our lives from the age of 7year's intil we were about 13,14 YEARS OLD.We both said to ...... that we couldn't read the statement. So she said, " Well if u TRUST me just sign."So we did. On the day of crown court I DONE MY EVIDENCE, but when MY TWIN SISTER DONE her evidence, the barrister said to my sister that the younger brother raped her. So OVIOUSLY my sister TURNED TO the usher who was Sat in the video evidence room,COS WE were to scared to go in the box. That wasn't true, he sexually abused me,but he did RAPE MY TWIN SISTER. They stopped the trial so the barrister could talk to my sister. As it was in her statement, she told the barrister that she couldn't read the statement. But the ......officer PUT in my sister's statement that the younger brother raped her. That then OVIOUSLY PUT doubts with the jury's verdict.
The eldest brother is 8years older than me and my twin sister. He never touched my twin sister it was always ME ............................ That went on for about 3 years, 2 or 3 times a week. He left home and the other brother raped me and sexually abused me and my twin sister. He never raped her only me. SO because of that. They both GOT found NOT Guilty. The younger brother WHO pleaded guilty to sexual abuse. That's ALL that happened to him was. He's GOT TO stay away from US both for 5 year's. I'm 50years old. I am trying to fight this, but WAS told yesterday BY the CPS. That I couldn't have a retrial. SO they've got away with it ALL. I had evidence GOING back to 1992. As I TOOK an overdose. Cos I couldn't cope with what they done TO me. There's NOT EVEN on going support for ME. MY mental health is through the roof. I've been single now for 15 year's. I live on MY OWN. Because of my anxiety I don't bother with anyone. Im disabled SO can't walk very far. So WERES the light OF THE TUNNEL FOR ME. WHAT JUSTICE SYSTEM IS THIS. WE SHOULD HAVE BEEN MADE TO READ OUR STATEMENT. I HOPE CAN LIVE WITH HERSELF BY PUTTING WRONG INFORMATION IN MY SISTER'S STATEMENTS. I'VE LOST MY SON BECAUSE OF THIS. HE IS 15YEARS OLD. AND LEFT WHEN HE WAS 12YEARS OLD. HE WON'T EVEN SPEAK TO ME. BECAUSE OF MY MENTAL HEALTH PROBLEMS. I WISH THERE WAS SOMEONE OUT THERE THAT COULD HELP ME. As we have only seen the .... officer ONCE since THE trial. And THAT WAS TO TELL ME. THAT IT was MY TWIN SISTER fault, because she changed her statement halfway through the trial. No she stopped it,because what the barrister said that he raped her wasn't true. We are not liers... So we definitely wouldn't LIE in CROWN COURT. MY HEAD'S ALL OVER THE PLACE NOW. So I will post my life stories and hope it's not too Long. X