Champix and bipolar 😳🀯: Hiya I have... - Mental Health Sup...

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Champix and bipolar 😳🀯

Viv35 profile image
β€’23 Replies

Hiya I have been taking champix for nearly two weeks to stop smoking, wow a whole new level of darkness...the dreams are intense and I am waking up hating people, really really low, just generally a pretty horrendous experience, has anyone taken this and does that settle down? I feel suicidal (which I do normally at times) although I knew this was going to be the case, does this ease up? I want to stop smoking as I feel guilty being a nurse and a mum and I think bipolar causes me to feel guilty over everything anyway!! So it's really important for me to stop but if this is how it's going to be for 12 weeks then I am going to have to stop the champix..any info would be appreciated, Viv x

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Viv35 profile image
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23 Replies
hypercat54 profile image

Hi this is quite common when you have just quit smoking. Why not have a look at the Quit site on here as they are very friendly and helpful. x

Viv35 profile image
Viv35 in reply to hypercat54

Thanks lovely, didn't know there was a quit section...I think it's my reaction to the medication as actually am still smoking, so haven't got that far, thanks again xx

hypercat54 profile image
hypercat54 in reply to Viv35

No worries they will help you with the stopping when you are ready and more importantly they will based on their own experiences tell you what is normal when you stop and what isn't. There are a number on there with anxiety or other mental health conditions too. x

Viv35 profile image
Viv35 in reply to hypercat54

Thank you, I just didn't want to stop the champix if it eases up, I am quite strong and well managed, everyone is different but thought the best people to ask is others with mental health issues..Thanks lovely xx

Viv, It does sound like a tuff time to give up. But I found there was never a good time! Lol. Not sure about the meds you are taking for cigs. I would look more closely at your moods with your condition right now. Just keep a lid on things. I have bipolar and I've been smoke free for ten years. I'm thinking good things for you. Stay strong Viv! 🎭🎨🎹🎷

Viv35 profile image
Viv35 in reply to

Hiya Jake, thank you like you said there is never a good time to stop, I can't cope with another year of procrastinating about smoking!! My mood was fine until taking this, normally I can cope but this is debilitating, I just wanted to know if it passes after a few weeks?! Well done you tho xx

in reply to Viv35

Yeah. This really feels full on right now! I hear you and remember it. I found it useful to have a notebook with stuff I would do if I started to crave.

The cravings do go away once the new habit of not doing it kicks in πŸ˜‰

You can do this. Look back to one of your irritable manic days when the meds don't help....if you can do can do this. It will just take a little more focus. It's vital you don't allow yourself to get bored. That is an easy trap but its also simple to handle with your note book full of stuff to do. Just little cute things that make you feel good about yourself. This is such a great thing your doing for your life. Ok πŸ˜€πŸŽ­πŸŽ‰βœŒπŸΌοΈ

Wishing you well!

Viv35 profile image
Viv35 in reply to

Thank lovely, it's a bloody nightmare sometimes living with this as you know but there are positives, however if I could change one thing it would be procrastinating, it drives me mad. A notebook is a great idea, will give it a go and I will stop smoking, it just might take longer than I hoped xx

in reply to Viv35

You can do it. Just never stop giving up. Night. 😎

Hi Viv, As far as the Chantix goes, I personally haven't taken it but I know a few people who have. I know it works for some but it made my ex and his brother both SUPER aggressive and angry when they were on it. So much so that they had to quit taking it. I really feel this is a reaction to the drug and a little less the nicotine with-drawl. (Of course we both know it's easy to get cranky without that cigarette we are so used to having) Obviously, it's totally your call on whether it's doing more harm than good but I would check into other tips that would help you quit. I know a lot of people who try to replicate the hand to mouth action with other items, ie. lollipops, toothpicks. Of course there's the obvious gum or mints. Also heard cinnamon candy really helps. As for the side effects you are experiencing, you are not the only one. Hang in there! You've got this.

Viv35 profile image
Viv35 in reply to Adrift_and_Defunct

Thank you, it's an odd drug and I was pre warned about the side effects, yesterday was the first day I asked for help or support and actually in itself that has helped. I knew this wasn't going to be easy and that I was going to derail slightly. I think if I wasn't used to the ups and downs I wouldn't of got this far on it, i think my plan of action is keep going and maybe ask the gp to increase the dose with the antidepressant that I take, for a short time anyway. Thank you for your reply xx

Neens2017 profile image

champix has ruined my life made me hypersexual and suicidal started me off in 2007 been terrible ever since.

Viv35 profile image
Viv35 in reply to Neens2017

Oh no sorry to hear that, a bit scary if it continued for you. I can tolerate so much, it's the anger that was getting to me and vivid dreams. I feel suicidal frequently, generally in the winter but would not do anything as I have a child. This did worry me and people have gone from being ok one day and really not the next. I hope you are ok xx

MAS_Nurse profile image

Hi Viv35 and thank you for your post. You have received many helpful and supportive replies. As other members have said, doing things that make you feel good about yourself will help, as well as writing down how you are feeling. Things will become easier with time.

If you are in the UK and are feeling distressed, please call----

The Samaritans Freephone 116 123 24 hour helpline 7 days a week. They provide a listening ear. If you live outside of the UK and are distressed, please have a look at the Crisis Support Helplines on the Pinned Posts section of the screen

The following website information may be useful to you---

stop smoking treatments-NHS

Your GP / practice nurse / NHS stop smoking advisor are always there for support. You can do this. Please stay on the forum for support.

Thank you and best wishes.

tinaiom profile image

Hi Viv35

My brother and I gave up smoking with champix. We both had awful nightmares. He has a phobia about spiders and he dreamt that 1000s where in his bed....very realistic. The drug seems to heighten your biggest fear. I don't recall the nightmares lasting any longer than a few days!

I also found that I only needed to be on them for 2 months but my brother was on them much longer before he was confident that he had completely given up smoking. We have both been smoke free for at least 8 years now.

Good luck, you can do's wonderful to be smoke free.

Viv35 profile image
Viv35 in reply to tinaiom

Hiya yes you are totally right, my nightmares are things that have upset me in the past, it's horrid but the last 2 nights they have been a little less intense and today I haven't woken up wanting to cut people out of my life, usually the ones I have drempt about, my mum, my ex etc. I have ptsd resulting from a manic episode 5 years ago and it's that stuff that I am dreaming about, I think it just caught me off guard! Well done you, 8 years that's amazing. I think I won't be on them for the whole course and I am taking half the dose everyone else is! Xx

tinaiom profile image
tinaiom in reply to Viv35

Even now I still have the odd thought about having a cigarette but as quickly as it goes in my mind it goes out. The thing that still amazes me is the amount of free time you get once you have given up....I never realised I waisted so much time.

If anyone wants to give up smoking i always recommend champix.....I had tried all other types of giving up and failed miserable. Champix made it so much long as you know about the side effects. Xx

Viv35 profile image
Viv35 in reply to tinaiom

I did read the Alan Carr book which worked really well for 3 years and that's what I remember thinking but feel like I failed it because I started again! Going to persevere I think, got to be done xx

Viv35 profile image

Thank you, yes they have been fab, I will try all suggestions as I am determined to do this, 2019 I do not plan to spend it procrastinating about smoking, not smoking, granted that will probably turn into something else, but as least it won't be that. Thank you all for your support xx

Viv35 profile image
Viv35 in reply to Viv35

This was my reply to mas nurse xx

Sandeegee2001 profile image

My hubby and I have just quit smoking. When we were looking for aids to help us quit my hubby's first choice was Champix....his doctor refused him point blank because he had had one suicidal episode in the past. I am really shocked that you have been allowed to use Champix with bipolar.....please, please, reconsult with your GP. This doesn't sound good. Incidentally, we used patches for 3 weeks and stopped smoking as soon as we put the first patch on...we stuck with the patches for 3 weeks and then just went cold turkey. We've been smoke free for just over 2 months now but it has completely screwed with our depression and our sleeping patterns are wrecked! We keep ending up completely nocturnal.

Viv35 profile image

I think because I am fairly sensible and only go to the Drs if I really need to, I don't tell them the moods I go through unless really bad. It was a locum Dr and that is why I think I was allowed. I have tried the nrt and I just can't seem to get on with it, the patches make me itch. I am stable most of the time on the medication, I think because of the low times I can tolerate a lot but this just seemed to be everyday, feeling a bit more hopeful. I have to take stuff to sleep I know how you feel with insomnia. Well done for stopping xx

I've not had a bipolar diagnosis but when I was on this all I could do was work, sleep and cry, but remember your cutting out nicotine, which understandably affects you. Seek urgent help still and well done for quitting

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