To cut a long story short, I’m English and he is Afghan and his family speak Farsi. When I lived with them I respected their language and tried to not get phased when I was left out of conversations as they’d switched to Farsi, but I still felt upset and insulted by it.
We live in our own flat now and his family will visit and 80% of the conversation is Farsi. I’m left feeling so isolated and pushed away. There isn’t even anything I can do. Is it too much to ask for them to try and involve me? Even in my own flat?
I already fight myself, constantly trying to ignore the part of me telling me I’m worthless and no one likes me. All I have is my supposed ‘family’ pushing me away and making me feel even worse. I’m sick of it. I’ve changed so much and accepted so much for them and it’s like they can’t even make the effort to involve me and speak sodding English.