My family are bitches to me! - Mental Health Sup...

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My family are bitches to me!

annie87 profile image
11 Replies

My family Don get my mental illness I was diagnosed with depression a year ago after the birth of my son isaac and the suicide of my brother-in-law I have 3 children and husband i was completely normal before the depression hit me hard I was the one who had the bbqs and done the babysitting for the sisters but obviously I have stopped now. My husband works full time while I look after house and our children, my family give Me no support at all and say I am selfish for being depressed as I have it all. Ian dead inside and they don't get it at all. all My mum looks after my sister's kids everyday and dosnt even call to see mine she walks past my door to take my hateful sisters kids to park I love my my nieces and nephews but dint understand why my sister is pushing her kids onto my mum and telling my mum not to help with mine!! It's all got to much for me for now and I have had thoughts of suicide only my kids and husband need Me..

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annie87 profile image
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11 Replies
faceless65 profile image

Oh Annie I am so so sorry to hear how bad things are for you. You say they know you are depressed but I honestly bet they really don't understand the full meaning of exactly what it is you are going through. Have you thought about giving them some literature on depression to help them understand? (I know that sounds pretty daft, but sometimes it can help outsiders to see that it is an illness). Unfortunately a lot of people don't see it like that. They see it as a weakness in the individual, which doesn't help any of us.

As for your mum not bothering about your kids as much as your sisters, have you had a chance to sit down and speak to her about how you feel? Its not easy I know.

Please don't go down the road of thinking of suicide and like you say your husband and children need you. I have been in this frame of mind myself in the past, but managed to get through that knowing that I would be being very selfish to my children etc. If things are getting that bad remember to call Samaritans (again sorry if I sound like I'm preaching, but I want you to be safe and that there are people out there that will listen).

When did you last go to your GP? If its been some time ago, perhaps its worth talking to him/her again?

Take care and best of luck. xx

bluebahog profile image

Hi annie

Just wanna leave u my support. I've been there and I know how har it is but please don't give up on you... I'm not gonna say more because I think faceless65 already said everything and she's right we don't wanna preach

Dealing with people is never easy and sometimes family is worst so the only thing u can really do is explain them over and over if u can and if not them just concentrate on you and your husband and kids

Please feel free to write all your feelings and thoughs in here when u feel more down or when u need to talk and I'm sure there is always gonna be someone here to help you in any way possible

I know that there are moments when nothing seems to help but I hope u feel better in the end of today after all its another victorious day on your fight against depression... Live day by day hunny with baby steps

Take care xx

annie87 profile image

Thanks it's so good I know I can come on Here and people actually care. Thank you so much. I think you are very kind people and getting off my chest how I feel really helps. I would never commit suicide but sometimes I do think if I left this world no one would Care. But I no my kids and husband love me and my family just don't understand how I feel sadly I just want to be normal again :( xx

annie87 profile image

So I spoke to mum She was crying and Said sorry now she wants to help me with the kids. I am still so angry and told her to stuff her help since I said to my mum I have crying my sister's are not depressed and my mum always has their kids but I have to go begging for help I don't Like the difference made so don't want her help now :( my sister is a selfish person and had kids to get my mum to rare them while she works and goes foe drunks and meals with her husband

Corinne profile image

Hi Annie

Sorry to hear you are really going through it, I have suffered from depression for most of my life and I can relate to you when you say family don't understand,

I don't want to tell you what to do, as each persons situation is different, but I 'd just like to share with you briefly how depression effected me, and what helped me.

when I first started to really struggle, I felt on my own and not understood or supported, angry,and upset that my family were all I had and should of supported me, especially when I was so desperate for help.I found it really difficult and was off work for long periods at a time and struggling to raise my daughter on my own.

It took a while for me to get over the feeling of a kind of abandonment and lack of support, from my family, but I did. I realized It can be difficult for family or friends to truly know what your going through until they have been there,and to realize that we all make mistakes and do and say things we wished we hadn't.

I have had support from GP and counseling, and support from my sister, who I had found out had suffered too with depression, I didn't know as I had distanced myself from her, and found support from my mum who I had barely spoken to for years as we have always had a strained relationship. For me it was becoming a Christian that helped me to forgive and move past my bad feelings towards my family, and it was the best thing I did as I have a stronger relationship with my sister and mum now.and am so thankful for it.

I hope you will find the support you need,and you can start to break through your depression, all the best

Hugs xx

annie87 profile image

Thanks corinne for sharing your story it's so good to know we are alone in this. I hope you get things sorted with your mum. No one will ever understand depression until they have it and are quick to judge us. My mum called to my house and was very very upset so got things sorted and she took my kids for the night, I explained I feel dead inside and alone and she said I have been distancing myself from her and she's scared to speak to me because my mood changes so quick. I'm so happy we got a good talk and eventually as sorted this mess out. All the best corinne and big hugs to you xx

Corinne profile image
Corinne in reply to annie87

Hi Annie,

So glad you got the chance to speak to your mum, and I hope you'll have that much needed support, and thanks I hope my relationship with my mum will be even better as time goes on!

Love and Hugs

xx Corinne :)

redroseart profile image

its good you have someone to talk to. i have noone i feel so alone and depressed since my mum and my little dog died last year.

annie87 profile image

You always have us on here to talk to never feel alone, I hope your ok mum's are our world and I can not imagine your pain and losing an animal is like losing your best friend. Maybe get a wee pup. Go and speak to your family friends and tell them how you feel never feel alone all the best x

annie87 profile image

You always have us on here to talk to never feel alone, I hope your ok mum's are our world and I can not imagine your pain and losing an animal is like losing your best friend. Maybe get a wee pup. Go and speak to your family friends and tell them how you feel never feel alone all the best x

Jorna profile image

I'm sorry but I understand when u say your family don't understand I feel the same. They always relie on me but when I need something they don't care and understand and they think I'm doing this in purpose and I say if I die I have noone I will be buried by myself

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