Hello I really need someone to talk to please!
Needing someone to talk to: Hello I... - Mental Health Sup...
Needing someone to talk to

Hi there my name's Shadow. Is it possible for you to explain how you are feeling- is it something you can put into words- might even be helpful to let it all out. If u can i would be happy to listen -this is a fab site abd i find the support and advice really comes from the heart and has helped me just to know theres others out there just like us who just dont seem able to deal with life. I dont regularly post but i am here if you need to off-load. Love and peace 🖤
Well yes well what it was that I really hate this world right now because of older people treating 18-21 or 24 or 25 year olds as children when they are not one anymore like not allowing them to do certain things or allow them to do what they want in which they should be allowed to do what they want as they are now all adults and old enough to also make their own choices too. I really want all of this to end and be sorted as 18 is the age of majority in most countries and I believe that higher age limits or restrictions on certain things like rights and freedoms should not really apply at all or as much.
Hello Sholay09 and welcome to this community. As Shadow123 has said maybe tell us a bit more about yourself and the members here will do their best to support you. Take a look around the site especially at the pinned posts where there is lots of useful information.
Take Care
Im here.
Hi there. Sorry u r feeling so down but as a mum myself of a 24 yr girl i can only say look into youre heart.. you need to behave like an adult to be treated as one. Think about how u express yourrself and how you conduct yourself- none of us can do what we want, when we want.... the world is bad enough, so imagine what it would be like if everyone did the same.
Good luck my friend
Shadow 🖤