Hey all! I have no idea if anyone who I used to talk to on here is still active but, my user was ThatLawren if you want to remember.
It’s been a while, 12 MONTHS! I can’t believe it’s been so long... So much has gone on really in my life. I’ve moved house, got a partner and I’m currently expecting my first baby which is due 17th December.
I still write my blog every month if I get round too it. It’s just a quick update usually on how things are but I find it so much easier for me to write than speak.
This pregnancy has been hard on me mentally. My medication stopped working for the first 6 months and I’ve only just gone back to being “okay” in a sense. The mental health midwives didn’t bother getting in touch with me so I’ve healed by myself, once again. No one wants to touch me due to being pregnant, which I get but hate.
How is everyone doing? 🌼💕