For the last couple years, I have been having some sleep problems, and I am curious if any of you have had something similar. I don't know if it's related to the depression or not.
I am constantly exhausted, though not necessarily sleepy. I just always feel like I need to close my eyes and rest. When I do sleep, I have vivid dreams, but I am also aware of everything happening around me. I know every time that my fiance moves or when my cats meow or jump on the bed. It's like I am asleep, but awake at the same time. When I wake up, I feel like I need to stay in bed for at least another hour with my eyes closed.
This is really starting to affect my job. I've posted before about always being late for work. It's gotten to the point where I go in at least 2 hours after I'm supposed to be there. Thankfully, my employers are working with me, but I would like to get this taken care of. I also have a lot of trouble concentrating, and I'm thinking the lack of quality sleep could be a factor.
My doctor did blood tests a few weeks ago to rule out anything physical, and I have an appointment with him to talk about seeing a sleep specialist. In the meantime, I just want to know if others with depression have had similar problems. What did you do to combat them?