Help me please I need some support I'm close to a mental breakdown and drinking only makes it worse my parents hate me and I don't feel safe to be around other people. When I drink I get wrecked and am a completely different person but drinking helps me cope. I don't know what to do help me please
Help me : Help me please I need some... - Mental Health Sup...
Help me
Hello Ross, it sounds as if you are having a really tough time at the moment. Families can be tricky, especially if you are all not communicating with each other. Needless to say drinking heavily, although may give a temporary relief, just makes the situation worse, and is a depressant. Do you have any close friends you can talk to? Do you have any brothers or sisters? Why has your relationship with your parents broken down? If you can give us a little more information it will make it easier for us to help. Take care.
I am an only child and my I don't see my friends anymore and I don't feel I could talk to them anyway. When I drink I black my out and do stupid stuff so over the years my parents have had enough of it. I hate my job but can't afford to leave as I have debts to pay etc. I never feel well and am constantly feeling low I just don't know what to do to get myself right. I haven't felt happy in years
Hi i too am an only child and annoyed my parents drinking rarely to blackout but maybe. Too much drink will make you feel worse. I used to drink every day. I felt suicidal lots. I prayed and I'm not really a Christian. Nothing else had helped. I stopped drinking every day still the same now. Yes i do drink at weekends but i am not crying every night. I agree see your GP keep seeking out help, small steps. Open the window get some more fresh air etc etc.
I'm not saying everything is peachy now but i more quickly seek help and i have made small changes.
Good luck.
I don't want to be put on anti depressants though as I know they can be tough to come off. I just need people to talk to maybe a psychiatrist

You don't have to do anything. I am having more counseling. Anti depressants imho are not that bad or addictive and can be slowly tapered off if need be. I resisted them for years. Not now. Yes see the GP re. Counselling.

oh honey... dont knock meds. they may save your life. they have saved mine. coming off self-destructive behavior related to alcohol and illegal drugs is a hell of a lot worse than meds taken under the supervision of a trusted psychiatrist and psychologist. you can taper off meds (anti-depressants) with ease. i have dealt with depression for over 20 years. I have been on-and-off meds with no problem. I lost a family member to alcohol last week, and I have nearly lost my own life due to substance abuse. proper medication and having the right support system is why I am still here.
of course, please consult a trusted physician before taking anything... but don't let fear keep you from getting help you may very well need! Good luck!
Thank you for the message. I'm really glad for you that you are doing well now and what you have overcome is amazing .
hi ross.ive been the same as you over the years.wondering if I'm living in times ive felt I was put on earth as a test.somehow I get buy it hope you do too.with me drink played a hige part of it sure your parents don't hate you although I thought the here to chat and pass on some advice.just pm me anytime.take care stay strong.
Thanks mate how do I personal message ?
just go on to my page.
Hey Ross . Yup know that been there done that !
Tips I can give
Give the alcohol a break , if your drinking everyday make it every other day the try skipping two days then three days between beers. Do it at your own pace ..
Give the meds a try . I did though felt like you. They worked it takes a while but it's a start . I am on metazipine 30mg. They don't cure your depression but they do help me feel less anxious etc
I use to stay in no contract withdrawn . Apart from beers with people you meet in a pub I did little .. so yes I did more drinking thinking I would meet people but that didn't work , hang out in coffee houses reading and having coffee and that worked better ..
The alcohol is the problem for both of us ... easy to say stop , but start putting a few barriers in your way to break up the drinking .. go for a coffee and people watch ... instead of buying beer save that money and go to a concert or sporting event on your own ... point is what worked for me was putting other places and events on my way of drinking .. it helped and worked
Stay safe buddy
Thanks mate I don't drink often anymore. When I was younger I got jumped by ten guys on a night out after stepping in to help one of my friends who was getting a kicking. Needless to say 10 on 2 didn't end well I'm pretty sure I must have sustained a head injury although as it was never diagnosed as I just brushed it off and thought myself lucky that I only ended up with a bust lip and a jaw injury but that is the first time I ever blacked out. Since that when I drink I go from absolutely fine to blackout and there's no pattern to the amount etc. Sometimes I can have a full night and be fine and others 4 or 5 beers can send me over the edge. I then from what I have been told seeing as I don't remember end up saying things I wouldn't ever say sober. Talking to people who are not there and also doing stupid things like for example I pulled the toilet away from the wall the other night and have no reason as to why. It just really scares me. I turn to drink to get away from my problems but it just causes me more. I just feel like I'm losing my mind , I mean who has full scale conversations with invisible people that aren't there? Problem is I never remember any of this. I believe my life has gotten worse due to this fact as all my friends want to do is go out and drink I seem to have drifted away from them as when I'm with my girlfriend I don't drink usually as don't want to say or do anything to scare her.
I just don't know where to turn ?
I have never really fit in with my friends and only this year have realised that iv always been different . Where as they like football I prefer movies and love tattoos . I am weird but I believe life is more fun that way but people don't get my sense of humour and I tend to feel like they don't appreciate me for me .
I'm just having a tough time with life at the moment that's all I'm sure it will pass but I just need some like minded friends who are not generic

Well your among like minded friends here ..
I would turn to your doctor and say what you have said on here about how your feeling and your health.. let them look you over .. I hesitated for a number of years , but I can tell you going to the doctors and sorting it was a huge step in the right direction. I am not fixed , but I am in the right track though ..
I talk to myself all the time , invisible person or not it's all part of your mind trying to work things out ... hence doctors can help
And of course you have people on here too