My 13 year old needs help she is on one hand loving caring then on the other aggressive violent it’s like a switch don’t handle change well very jealous very needy puts her self in harm drinking staying out to the wee hours of the night been seen by clams being told it’s bad behaviour as her mum I feel it’s more to it she looks like she is hearing voices when she’s kicking off help please
Help : My 13 year old needs help she is... - Mental Health Sup...

It sounds like a visit to your GP is needed to check out your daughter, cause and effect.
Medications may need to be considered. Sad to say you need to take the Bull by the Horns. Take advise
if she's 13 years old....she is under legal age to be out drinking...and if she is potentially putting her self at risk...I would look into an in-patient admission for her...if your not able to keep her from doing this.
Hello and welcome to this supportive community. Your daughter is what I call in the teenage years, her hormones are all over the place and she is rebelling against any and all authority. However, she is only thirteen and it is illegal that she is drinking alcohol and staying out all hours. You also say something quiet telling 'doesn't handle change well'. May I ask what change and what is she rebelling against please? The answer to these questions may tell us a lot about what is going on with her right now.
Also seeing your GP and school phycologist may well be a good idea.
Does any other member have any help for this distraught Mum please?
Please stay in touch with us and best wishes,
MAS Nurse.
If I have to change plans ie change timeings what place we are going to first like park shopping visit gran to shopping gran park
If people are late or early
She has assault charges for hitting me sister some of she can’t remener doing
she's out of control and if you don't get outside help as obviously she does what she wants...things are going to get worse. she should be in an inpatient environment that is controlled for her...and evaluated, monitored, and treated.
I have been trying very hard for the last year to get all the help I can and will not rest till I get what is needed but the scary thing is with social work it down to cost
What do you mean by "social work it down to cost"?
Everything is down to cost not enough help out there to be seen by mental heath team 16/18 week waiting list. No wonder it ends up to late for a lot of people.
It makes me so angry to hear that she's having trouble getting access to the care she needs. I'm so sorry you're going through this. Is she at least on this waiting list? You never know if a cancelation could come up and she could see a doctor sooner.
What about an emergency (mental health) hotline? In the US we call 911 for all emergencies which would include a person acting violently, aggressively, or hearing voices.
Also, is bringing her to the emergency room an option? This certainly feels like an emergency to me. I feel her life is in danger. Using that avenue might speed up access to the care she needs. This sounds like a desperate situation. Don't lose hope and don't stop seeking treatment. Somebody must eventually help you. I'm praying you will have peace in the midst of this.
Thankyou so much we are on a waiting list things are moving in the right direction thankfully