Can you all help me please??? I've set up a petition as I've had enough of the dwp fobbing vulnerable people off,weather it's a health issue or mental health issue I get the impression they couldn't care less,I've been through it with my daughter who has health problems and mental health problems and myself who has not long been diagnosed with bipolar,I'm on jobseekers and the woman I'm forced to see tells me everytime how well I look ...erm I have a mental health condition,i've seen so many times on hear people going through he'll because they have scored 0 so please please please sign my petition on change org , I can't think exactly what it is but you could google it and my petition is called...Stop wdp forcing people with disabilities on jobseekers ,thankyou x
Help me please: Can you all help me... - Mental Health Sup...
Help me please

I will have a look for that petition and will sign it. I hate the way this country treats people with mental health problems, it’s just not on at all. Good luck with it !
Thankyou 😊 ,Hopefully it will get a lot of signatures and they will start treating us fairly x
I don’t know how they sleep at night really. It would be good if you could put a link on here if it’s allowed or just give the full title of the petition.
Good luck !
I wouldn't have a clue how to put the link on? I will look now though and get back to you with the full title 😊
Stop dwp from forcing people with disabilities on jobseekers
That’s good enough I think Angel, thanks. Hope you get a lot more support on here 😉
I had a look for your petition but could not find it or I would have gladly signed it for you. I will try again though, and wish you luck with this. Kind regards. Julia x
Thankyou Julia I appreciate it x
They seem to work on a point system for your condition, or your daughters. They also contact your GP and ask for an explanation of your health problem. I feel sorry for you although the system is so very strict. All I can suggest is you get a diagnosis and possible treatment. You are not alone in your quest there will be many on site who will feel the same way

I have recently been diagnosed with bipolar disorder and Yes many feel the same way,I've seen so many post on hear from people with mental health problems,fibromyalgia and other health problems who are all being fobbed off,it was in the paper's recently that it's pot luck who gets to go on pip and who does not.
I herd somewhere where you need about seventeen points for PIP.
You need to discuss the number of points you may have with your GP.
There is I think an age restriction of sixty four, anything above that cannot get PIP
The rules change all the time, you need to seek advice from CAB to discuss your rights and if there are any other benefits that may be available
hello angel so sorry to hear of this . i am new here and this is the first post i have read. i'm not sure why they make people go on jobseekers, it makes no sense. i know of someone who is not well mentally or physically and they told her she was capable of working and that she had to go on jobseekers, in the end she had to go to court over this.