Hi I'm new I've been depressed for several years. I have mixed emotions and I find it hard to get a job I feel like it's just to much and my head won't function properly I don't take medication and I just don't know what to do anymore I hope one day there's a light at the end of the tunnel for me
Hi : Hi I'm new I've been depressed for... - Mental Health Sup...

Hello there nainsworth
Welcome to our friendly Forum. I'm sure you will soon have replies from our excellent members, so please, do check back.
Hello, I think its time to see your doctor for a chat, I've been suffering from depression for over 16 years in the end I went on antidepressants on and off. Its taken time to get onto the right one and the dosage.I had been off them for 2 months but had to go back on them I can say I'm happier and can face the world. So have a word with your doctor they will help you find what is best for you.
Best wishes
Hi there , you definitely need to take your courage in your hand and talk things over with your GP. Depression needs to be managed and that may be therapy or Antidepressants or change or lifestyle, but reading what you have written it sounds like you need a new approach as your old way is not working for you. Why suffer? Get help and start living life.
Depending on what your doctor may diagnose, there is always light at the end of the tunnel , it's just how long it takes to get to it and it is a different journey for different people, but rest assured you will get breaks, distractions and the ever present CBT , but sadly in the end you have to recognize that you must find your own way and recognize the sign's and the thought's which eventually may help you to better handle the oncoming darkness of depression that affect so many of us , so no matter what you think at the time , " you are never alone" and little steps and a good routine helps you to distract your mind even if it is only for a minute or two all the best Alex