Wanting to give up: I'm 24 and my... - Mental Health Sup...

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Wanting to give up

Rachms11 profile image
12 Replies

I'm 24 and my boyfriend of 8 months dumped me a month ago. He has some issues but he always seemed so happy.. I'm extremely depressed. He won't talk to me. I'm not sure if he's blocked my number or what. I'm devastated. Just the week before he was so good and talking about is benign married and how I'm the one for him. Everyone keeps telling me to move on and I deserve better but I miss him so much... I'm anxious every morning when I wake up alone. I'm looking at moving back home with my parents :( my life has gone down the drain

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12 Replies
Satsuma profile image

Hey there Rachms11 ending your life over a man is not worth it .. You will meet another who is more suited to you in time, you really will. Give yourself time to recover just now. Get out and about and join some clubs maybe as that way you will meet more people and you may bump into Mr New .. I would advise not to look for new partners as they will just pop into your life unexpectedly .. Expect the unexpected

Rachms11 profile image
Rachms11 in reply to Satsuma

Thank you. I've just always struggled with anxiety and depression since I was 13 and this makes everything a lot harder to cope with :( especially after I ended a 3 and bit year relationship last May. And then had 5 months to myself where I met him. But turns out he has issues from the past :( and I got caught up in it all and it's killing me

Satsuma profile image
Satsuma in reply to Rachms11

Well that certainly won't help you getting caught up in his tangles whilst you have your own going on. More than ever you need time out I would suggest steer away from relationships completely .. Working on yourself to heal is indeed a top priority .. We all need to be balanced in ourselves before we can maintain balance in a relationship. That I have found speaking from experience. I have spent five or six years on my.own basically because I was too ill to contribute to a relationship after leaving a domestic violent marriage. Now I am in recovery and I will know when I am ready to embark on relationship alley when I find him, the one whom will place me top priority in his life. I am not settling just to settle. I want the best and nothing else will do. And I will know when I meet him for he shall shine like no other has shone before. I am working on my shine so we can both shine together forever.

Both sides of the coin need to be clean and shiny before going to the mint so to speak.

Rachms11 profile image
Rachms11 in reply to Satsuma

Yea I really need to try look after myself. I'm used to having someone and now I feel alone. The odd one out pretty much. I also don't have a job at the moment so that makes the days go slow. But I get where ur coming from. I'm just abit lost. And haven't had heaps of experience before with this sort of thing....

Satsuma profile image
Satsuma in reply to Rachms11

Well you are in the right place here for support.. I am nearly 48 and am kicking its booty baby ... I have a couple of nice friends whom I don't see as often as I would like due to life's commitments etcetera and I have no family support (am fighting to have contact with my daughters) I have no job, not much money, but I do have a loyal companion doggywoggy whom is my little rock. I am fighting through each day trying to make it bigger and better daily. Life is what we make it .. I have been to rock bottom many times but always got back up .. I am tired out just now having had Mr Anxious infiltrate my mind through the night so am fighting him today. He keeps on knockin but he can't get in, I simply disallow it. Finding things to do is a must. I write poetry and songs and I like to do art. They help keep me afloat as does my furry best friend. He is a diamond in my life .. Every day I learn something new about myself too :) The more time you spend walking singledom road the higher your standards get re; meeting someone. Not just anyone will do .. It is all good sugar at the end of the day. I guess ine learns discernment too. Lonely at times and that is when one needs to have hobbies. Coming on here also is a huuuugggeeee plus. Hope I have helped you even if it is only a teenyweeny bit.

Rachms11 profile image
Rachms11 in reply to Satsuma

You have helped me ALOT trust me 😊 thank you. Everything u say is right. This place is good when things get abit hard and lonely

Satsuma profile image
Satsuma in reply to Rachms11

Yes it is our haven .. Keep on visiting to regain your strength

Rachms11 profile image

Yea I know that. It's only been 1 month. Just gotta give time time I suppose hey?

Celtic27 profile image

Hey rachms sorry to see whats happening to you ! Whilst its easy to tell you to move on the memories make it hard to do so ! Start looking at your inner self do not be hard on yourself if things are meant to be it will happen ! Take care and best of luck david !

Rachms11 profile image
Rachms11 in reply to Celtic27

Thank you! Means so much to have kind support! I'll get there eventually

mysmugcat profile image

I have felt just like you. Pm me anytime. If its meant to be it will be cliché I know but.... Try to do any exercise to lift mood...all for now.

Rachms11 profile image
Rachms11 in reply to mysmugcat

Thank you so much x very hard battle this one. Trying to let go but also hoping for the not doubt impossible to happen 😪

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