Feeling down and fed up.: I've always... - Mental Health Sup...

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Feeling down and fed up.

liam22 profile image
8 Replies

I've always been a reasonably happy and independent person, I've had long term relationships in the past and when they have failed I feel upset for a while, but because of friends and family there for me, after a couple of weeks or months I'm back to normal again and focusing on work and going to the gym just being me again and that has been the same for any issue that I've come up against. Recently though, even though I have no particular to reason to feel down, I have been feeling hopeless and lacking motivation and at times emotional for no reason. I don't want to go to my job anymore and I feel like there isn't any point in doing anything. Sometimes i just want to hide away and cry because I don't know why I feel this way or how to get back to normal again. I find it hard to talk to people when I feel like this because I can't explain how I feel, I just feel trapped inside my own body.

It's putting serious strain on my relationship because this isn't the person she fell in love and I don't know how to snap out of it, I can't lose her and I can't jeopardise my friendships. I have a great life so why do I feel this way? I'm still going to the gym and I know that I have a great relationship, nothing else has changed.

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liam22 profile image
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8 Replies
Chris76 profile image

Hi Liam

I know exactly how you are feeling my friend and I hope you feel better soon.

I know you say there isn't anything that has changed and that you don't know why you feel like this? I was the same but was feeling un-happy all the time, I like you have a great GF, good job, house etc but something wasn't right.

I got in touch with a work related scheme that let me speak to someone confidentially and basically I just talked to them and told them about me and he was able to pin point what was wrong and then give me help and guidance.

Have you got something like this available to you? If so, then give it a go and see how you get on with things. I'm far from out of the woods yet and have good days and very bad days but I know I'm getting better and I know you can too.

Good luck

liam22 profile image
liam22 in reply to Chris76

Hi Chris,

Thank you so much for your reply, I'm so relieved to know that I'm not the only one who feels this way, I feel ridiculous given my circumstances. I desperately need to improve this issue because I need to prevent it from ruining the aspects of my life that are great (which its beginning to).

I'm at work today so I will do some digging to find if if this service is available to me, I really hope that it is and that it benefits me in the same way that it did for you, it sounds like it has been of great help. I can't thank you enough for your advice, I'm willing to try anything to be myself again.

Best of luck to you.

Dens profile image

Liam, Chris is right try and seek a counsellor, it will help. I, although on anti-depressants for 14 years now, still feel at a loss of why I am crying and unhappy with all the love I have around me. Unfortunately emotions are difficult to control and everything implodes, however better out than in. Also speak with your girlfriend and friends because no-one can read your mind, verbal communication, face to face is the only way someone will know why you are feeling or acting in a certain way. Remember it is not something to be embarrassed about and you may find someone saying they feel like that too. I wish you strength and happiness x Dens

Chris76 profile image

Hi Liam

Did you have any luck with the work assistance? How has your weekend been my friend? Good?


liam22 profile image
liam22 in reply to Chris76

Hey Chris,

I've been trying to look in to it but I only started my new job this week so I've been been struggling to find any information on the matter without anyone finding out what I'm looking for. It's been ok Thankyou, I've felt generally ok because I've been trying to keep myself busy with friends etc. seems to feel worse when I'm on my own and I don't have anything to occupy my mind. How has your weekend been?


Chris76 profile image

Hi Liam

I wouldn't go looking to hard in work (as your new) and you don't want to raise any suspicions but if you get a minute, look for an employment manual or something along those lines, as it may be in there?

If no joy, contact the Samaritans and have a good natter to them about things, trust me it will really help you.

My weekend has been good, apart from having to work for a few hours yesterday and the rain spoiling the golf today but me and the GF had a lovely afternoon and evening so can't argue with that.

Work tomorrow 😟😟😟😟 which stresses me out but I'm trying to not let it bother me. Keep posting on here if you feel down at all or just want to let it out and somebody will always reply.

Stay strong champ, you/we can do this.


liam22 profile image
liam22 in reply to Chris76

Hey Chris,

Yeah I've looked through my management hand book that I was given on my first day and it appears that there is no sort of help available, everything but in an fact. My old job used to.

Had an awful day today, everything has been getting to me and I feel really trapped and as though everything is getting the best of me. I'm exhausted but I'm often finding it difficult to sleep when I feel like this. I just want to feel like myself again! I hate to feel like I'm wasting their time by calling, I'm sure they have to deal with situations much worse than this, I feel silly.

That sounds like an overall good weekend mate, it's nice that you got a nice evening with your GF, shame about the golf though, I hate getting rained off. Try not to let it get the best of you, it's only a job after all, I tell myself that it's allowing me to do whatever I want when I'm not at work.

I've appreciated you replying to me mate, I have no one close to me to talk to.


Chris76 profile image

Hi Liam

That's a shame about work! Where do you work btw?

Please do not feel as though you are wasting their time as trust me you aren't at all. That's the thing with us men we don't want to show weakness and ask for help but believe me, we sometimes have to bite the bullet and ask for help.

I'm an ex semi-pro rugby player and supposedly a tough nut but the feelings I was having was turning me into a wreck and somedays it still does but I knew I had to get help and the first few steps were the hardest but I'm getting there.

I've had a rough day too and was a pretty much giving up at lunch time but I managed to get to the gym for 30 mins and then got back into work and tried to be more positive and it did the trick. I've got a very challenging and stressful job and somedays I feel massively out of my depth and it stresses me to the max but I'm getting there and hopefully it will settle down soon.

Good outlook on the work front i will add that to thought collection for when I need it. I'm sorry you've had a rough day though champ but hey it's a new day tomorrow and let's see if we can make it a better day than today!! It's fine about the replies, I'm happy to help when I can and will always reply as and when I can, but do give them a call as you can speak to a professional.

Finally, if you are having trouble sleeping get to the chemist and get some Sominex for yourself. I take them if ive had a few nights of poor sleep and they work pretty well but as per everything don't take them all the time as you will become dependant on them and that's the last thing you want. If you take them, when you get up have a coffee or tea and they will take the edge off the little bit of drowsiness you may get.

Right then dude I must dash, speak soon, here if you need anything.


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