Hello everyone,
Hope everyone else is doing ok.
Just thought I'd post how I'm feeling really. Just all of a sudden came down feeling quite sad and near tears for no reason. Missed my 'Mental Health Student Support' meeting today because even though I'm getting better sleep, I still feel so so tired and zero energy.
Trying to do some work now, catch up on some lectures before I have to start my essay's etc and just finding it hard to concentrate because I feel sad.
Didn't go to the pole dancing session on Sunday because I was so tired. And I can see my friend is learning new moves and I'm just stuck at the stage I was last year. That's getting me down too. Miss my boyfriend as usual.
And I'm really nervous about getting this job I really want and need. The deadline for applications passed on Friday at 12, and I thought I'd have heard something by now if I'd got an interview but haven't. Feel my anxiety racking up because I'm worried I won't get an interview though I am full qualified to do the job and at least deserve an interview...
I don't know, think I'm just feeling down for no reason and I'm just rumbling really.