Not really sure why, thinking maybe its because of the people at work - keep thinking about them and how they treat peole who arent in their 'gang'. Its just so childish! Well I suppose I could see it as a good thing and see it as drive to make me find a new job as I wanted to leave anyway before. One minute im fine the next im not
feeling abit meh thismorning. - Mental Health Sup...
feeling abit meh thismorning.
Hi Liz now try and switch off from work worries, and your right trying to find
A new job is a good goal. You won't ever be able to change other people, all
You can do is change how you react to them.
Have a great weekend and enjoy your down time.
Xx Hannah x
Hi Pandora it's just office politics and that goes on everywhere. The workplace is a microcosm (spelling?) of society generally with it's pecking order. You just have to keep out of and concentrate on your own job. One valuable lesson I learned at work was you can't worry about what others are doing and you can only be responsible for your own work.
I hope you find a job better suited to you soon. Take care
Bev xx
Stop thinking about people and clicks - dont waste your time however difficult!! your not weak your strong dont join in with the gang they are just weak people who need support from each other normally with one
person in some kind of control (or so they think) just take your time and look for another job dont give them the light of day or thought jue1xx ps I hate groups and clicks so I know how you feel.
juelxx ps you could start by not thinking about work once you leave the building.
Jue your so right!! Thankyou for that post! They are all pathetic and slag others off to justify their own lives that they arent happy with! They take my kindness for weakness because theyve obviously never been treated nicely by others. I know how to stick up for myself with them but its tiring... Im gonna just use it as motivation to find a new job and plus im not going to be driven out of a job by a couple of idiots with nothing else to do! Feeling strong thankyou jue xxxxz
Go Girlxx