Left job: Hi I left job today only been... - Mental Health Sup...

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Left job

Daviski profile image
12 Replies

Hi I left job today only been three months.. Allegedly failed probation but I couldn't get on with the people - they offered no help.. I feel the pits now.. to add to all my other problems. No point me going on..

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Daviski profile image
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12 Replies
WantToChange profile image

Yeah, I know what it's like to lose a job and not get along with colleagues. It sucks.

I've been fired twice because I didn't fit in and they thought it best me not being there.

Stilltrying_ profile image

Davidski, sorry this happened. I don't know if you were under pressure to take the job but this can happen that people are made to take a job at any price, whether or not they can cope.

Really sorry that it has made you so low; it will feel like a failure I guess and will be very raw. As you say you got no help and help is what you need ,so please no blame.

I hope you feel better in the morning.

Have just looked through some of your older posts and can see you've been struggling for a while. You said in one of your posts how you hate your job and maybe you could go back to your old one. Could this be a possibility?

Gemma X

21esme profile image


I'm sorry this has happened and you must feel down but you didn't really enjoy it where you were. As Gemma says you mentioned previously about going back to where your were before. Is this something you could consider? Even as an interim measure?

Sometimes jobs just don't fit us. It is horrible but there is somewhere else where you will.

Sarah x

Photogeek profile image

Hi there I have read your Post and realise that you are feeling very low, I think that's

To be expected if a job doesn't work out. Maybe this job was not suitable, Is there

Any chance that you could go back to your old job . I'm not sure what kind

Of job you had, but please look after yourself right now.


Hello David,

When you go into the Job Shop ask for support and see the OCT, they will be give support ?? and assist in finding a new position.

Also contact your GP there may be support there as well.


Hi I am sorry to hear that but at the end of the day it is only a job! It's not a reflection on you. We have all had jobs where for some reason it doesn't work out and you leave or are sacked. It's just one of those things so please don't let it get you down too much.

I know it's a big blow to your self esteem, been there done that, but just accept it as part of life. I find things like this usually work out for the best and a better job is round the

corner. Keep plugging away and stop beating yourself up. You are not a failure - the job was x

Findingme profile image

I also lost a job after a short while. At the time it felt awful but I was not enjoying the job. Now I think it was maybe for the best. I could have fought to stay but I was getting more anxious, not better, due to the negative work environment.They lost a really good administrator, I lost some money but kept my sanity. I know that will I find a better job in the future. I wish the same for you.

tazmania profile image

The job failed the probationary period, not you. It didn't suit you because you deserve a better work environment with helpful and supportive colleagues xx

CarolineLondon profile image
CarolineLondon in reply to tazmania

Oh Hello thats what I meant only the Tasmanian Devil said it in 2 sentences not 20...grrr....ummm. She has the smarts thats for sure!


tazmania profile image
tazmania in reply to CarolineLondon


CarolineLondon profile image


David, May I call you David, a few little tales....

I too was LET GO from a job once! Why? Because frankly although the others in the team could perform like trained monkeys, right shapes in right holes they weren't the brightest buttons in the box no interesting conversations to be had it was like working in a factory! In the end a supervisor (the one and only time I've ever had a supervisor, the word makes me shudder now ie someone who hasn't made management but still likes to behave like a bully) used to try and make me look stupid, when in fact I was bored!

So was I pushed or did I leave because I didn't belong there, who cares. I went on to get a much better job, but then I was made redundant (Id just like to say they kept me for a year longer than they should have)...lol.

My point is this, you don't know whats round the corner. If you haven't stayed in that job it wasn't the job for you.

Now I wish I could remember her name, but one of the new stars in Fashion (ie not an old name but someone who is doing very well financially / famous etc); I heard on radio that NO ONE came to her first major fashion show. You've got to have guts to bounce back from that! NO ONE?!! Now she's successful. So who knows what your future is.

AND Kenny Everett got sacked a few times not least once from Radio 1 which he complained about for years! And look how loved and talented he was. Apparently he went to interview where he didnt know how to use the equipement and screwed it up completely in front of a panel, he said it was soooo embarassing, didnt stop him though :-)

DONT LET people make you feel small. They have NO IDEA what you are capable of.

My advice, use this time to work out what you would prefer to do, invest in you. Make a note of what you love, what you loved as a child, notice that people earn a living doing all manner of odd/peculiar jobs we dont all have to live the same.

Sometimes I think the lucky ones are the ones who have 2 or 3 part time jobs (or income streams) that they enjoy so they don't get bored! No two days the same.

Come on David you're a power house of ideas and talents, maybe the big man upstairs wants you to follow your dreams. What harm does some daydreaming do anyway. Everything starts with a thought.


If they didnt appreciate you ....THEIR LOSS!

Good Luck XX

Daviski profile image
Daviski in reply to CarolineLondon

Thanks for all advice everybody.. Contacted a few agencies so things might turn up. Here's hoping

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