I cant decide if i should go or not, i already have a job its part time but the hours vary between 20,30 sometimes 40(if lucky) hours a week.(inconaistent hours but minimum being 20) but its also nice havjng the days off inbetween shifts.
My current job the manager is clueless and running the place into the ground and everyone is leaving.
However its only a 2 min drive down the road from where i live where as the new job is further afield in that its 30 mins drive pending on traffic.
The newer job would be 38 hours a week monday to friday and working with hand held power tools making cctv camera mounted equipment.
It would also be that i would make £2500 a year more then my current job
I currently work in retail as a team leader but there is a lot of backside kissing going on etc but despite all of this i guess its a comfort zone.
I am actually anxious as hell about weather or not i should go changing jobs i want too but at the same time im feeling so conflicted about it.
My head is pretty much all over the place and i just do not know what to do. A part of me feels mentally maybe i am not ready to work full time like that while another part of me feels like im just looking for excuses.
I am still strugling with SH, suicidal thoughts more so these last two weeks or so the roller coaster just never stops but its never effected my job, apart from appearence wise of having to wear a long sleeve jumper under my work shirt all the time to hide the cuts.
But anyway yeah i feel conflicted about it all a million things running through my head coming going coming going i just really dont know what to do and had to get this off my chest.