Hi everyone
I've been suffering from depression for over a year now but up until a few months ago it was quite manageable. I spent two months over the summer doing an internship which involved a long commute, long days and was quite tiring but I managed. I did end up having a few migraines however which required a few days off each time unfortunately. I think my migraines are down to a combination of stress and poor sleeping.
About two months ago I hit my absolute lowest point and have never felt that depressed in my life. The doctor gave me 50mg of sertraline once daily which I took for 3 weeks but had to stop as they made me feel so much worse. I couldn't get out of bed at all. I then went to a psychiatrist who prescribed me citalopram instead which I have now been taking for a week with no obvious side effects so far. I definitely don't feel right at the moment but better than I was a few weeks ago. A main issue I have had consistently is trouble sleeping which has only gotten worse as the depression has but the past few days it seems to have improved slightly.
A friend has just told me about a job opportunity which pays very well and is only for one month. It's an admin role and something I feel I would be able to do. However I am really worried about starting full time work plus a long commute. I know it would be good for me to go out and work as it is a good distraction and much better than being home all day but I am worried that I won't be able to do it.
My sleeping, although better the past few days, is bad in general. No matter how tired I am I always have trouble falling and staying asleep and if I have an early morning then it's likely I haven't slept enough. I am very worried that after a few days of this I will develop a migraine or that my mood will just fall and I'll be unable to continue. I really feel like this is a good opportunity but I'm very concerned that I'll end up disappointing the employers - especially as it's only a one month contract. In a way the duration is appealing as it gives me an end point to focus on if I am struggling.
I don't know what to do. I know I'll be disappointed at myself if I turn the job down which will likely make my moods worsen but I'm worried about saying yes. Does anyone have any advice or been in a similar situation?
Thank you.