I have come here for a moan! A Moan you say! Well, that's wholly inappropriate, we don't hear from you for days and you pop up for a moan!!
For a very short time there I got to see a psychotherapist in training, a more objectionable man you couldnt wish to meet, the upshot is because Im not suicidal I don't get help. Well that's a kind of a plus and a minus right there!
I've started school again (Adult Ed) and Im working my arse off. If Im not working, Im thinking about it, if Im not thinking about it Im dreaming about it, all my books are technical. So what you say! Thats your choice, well sometimes the pressure (my own pressure on me) brings me down.
So my question is this when is a moan and grumble, a moan and grumble?
And when is it okay to say ouch this hurts and its worthy of a counselling session and some help?
Sometimes that Registrar for that's what he was, made me feel like I was simply wining on, well maybe I was!
Today I was due to go to a do, I just wanted to feel my self centred BF supported me, instead we got into a barny where I ended up wining and you guessed it we didnt get to go. I could have gone alone (although time ran out), I just feel so alone in my attempt at world domination through going back to school and studying design. Anyway from here on in the sensible thing is to forget I have a partner and when Im invited just say Ill be alone is that ok, lesson learnt.
However now I feel like Im wining, moaning, nagging, but actually Im very hurt, I feel really bad more awful than I should feel and I think is 'that' the depression at work. So that maybe if I didnt suffer from depression I could put this down to a bad hair day. Is that the difference? I just dont think should feel this guilty and this bad.
So my question is what constitutes a) a moan? b) what constitutes a really bad feeling and not moaning but a real complaint?
What do you think?
And has anything Ive written make any sense at all..lol