As long as I can remmber ive been struggling with all sorts of mentall problems that I shouldn't have as I was so young. No one looked at what I was doing as a symptom but as a kids thing.. my parents didnt realise what what going so i didnt say I was so afraid to talk. It started when I was 6 it keeps going and coming back its gets me to a lower point each time its like a numb wave... now before I go any further with this I have to say the reason I was molested throughout 5 years from age 6-11 No one to this day knows because i feel like it's been so long why should I even cause any drama about it im 16 now I just wanted to write this to clear my mind for a whille as I dont have any one to talk to about this when im triggered and have a mental breakdown. Not a mental break down like that its more like iam empty and sleeping is just worthless and waking up is like iam upside down. I m more than sure I have ptsd from my childhood trauma as well bpd I can play anything off but once iam alone everything is upside again and the circle repeats its self over and over again .
MY only question is how does happen that no one can realise that a child is hurting? Am I even really I'll? I need an answer please