Quick update rather than write to everyone so hope thats okay.
Recap: Went for counselling got 5 assessments 4 from a registrar who didn't know his arse from his elbow rather than drift into the 6 assessment I complained! The head of department saw me today, said he completely understood couldn't apologise enough at my apologise treatment, is going to organise something for me with an outside company and if Im not happy I can go straight back to him!
Oh and although he was a good 10/15 years older than me he was hooot! So my image of me going in as Mr Burns and him being Smithers was reversed but still very enjoyable...ha ha.
Then in true absurd British style he asked me to fill in an assessment form of his handling of the situation and as a doctor...ha ha. Sometimes I wonder if my life isn't the after show of a Monty Python sketch.
Anyhoo Im super grateful it all went well and where needed wrists will be slapped, so no one hopefully should go through the same as me.
Now for the stinker, part of me does feel if I just coulda got the help I needed when I needed it things wouldn't be quite such a mess now, this had been going on for 6 months! All that aside I love everyones funny comments and though I feel a little down, I don't feel alone and my sis has text to say she will call, we all ways have a good time, bring each other up. So alls well that ends well today.
I just need a truly bizarre documentary on netflix and Im home and dry.
Thanks all as always for your support XX