Hi guys! so i am a 20 something year old. Two years ago i met a charming Dr online and we had a long distance relationship since. We had never met in person as he was always working abroad. I know that i should not have let it get to two years but i guess our lives were such that opportunity didn't present it self for us to factor in the time for a personal meeting. We would always video call and talk over the phone WhatsApp every day through out the day. On many occasions he 'ended' it saying he was not interested and blocking me only to come back and apologise. So a month ago he told me to end it because we were completely opposite (we both knew this & he said opposites attract). He said he came from a silver spoon back ground and that he was a spoilt brat, stating that i was somewhat dysfunctional that this wasn't my fault (like that's meant to help, no idea what he meant by dysfunctional)... that he was in his cousins house for the week and that his cousin was going to hook him up with someone and that she's 'fit'. To which my soul went cold. When i questioned this he said he didn't feel the need to tell me, only then saying he is in fact extending his medical training contract and needed to concentrate and told me to not question him and to maintain self respect, because i was asking him why his turned so cold all over a sudden. I told him fine and that he made me happy in the two years (he helped me with a lot of medical stuff) to which he just put up a thumbs up emoji. Two years all summed up with an emoji.. no words nothing. Then he changed his number.
His words are bashing around my head which guy says no to a girl because she isn't from a silver spoon background. I have worked so hard to get where i am (qualifying to be a lawyer) my family isn't educated like his all doctors, but it has made me left feeling like crap. I shared many things with this Dr but i feel i wasn't good enough for him. I placed my happiness in him don't ask me why..i just did I adored him. He knew this.
Last week i planned to hang myself but the thought of my mother stopped me. I have always been told by guys that i am not enough for their families that i wont fit into their casts or families. Its words that are killing me. I have lost so much self confidence, been put on anti depressant and getting CBT therapy soon. How can a doctor with 'values' talk like that to someone.
I know i sound like any other heartbroken girl but i really feel so unworthy