It came out of the blue and is at the mental health department. Not really understanding why I need this. Have other people been asked to have this as part of their mental health care. I don't really see why I need it.
I have got an appointment for a physi... - Mental Health Sup...
I have got an appointment for a physical health check.

They will have only sent you for it in your best interest. I heard somewhere that certain vitamin levels/ hormones can make depression and other mental illnesses worse, so they could just be checking your general health to see if you have any problems like this?

Thanks, I have had vitamin d deficiency in the past which was picked up in blood tests so maybe its something to do with this.
It could be part of the well man and well woman medical check ups that we all now get at fifty every few years

Hi Bob, please speak for your self. How are you ? Hope your keeping healthy, have a happy and healthy new year.

I have decided to go and see. I wouldn't have worried if it had been at my local surgery. Happy new year.
I have an inability to absorb B12 - it makes me extremely tired and if I'm depressed will make it so much worse. It was picked up by a blood test when I broke my ankle - was lucky as usually people get anaemia and other neurological problems before it is picked up.
Thyroid problems can cause depression as well.
Try not to worry about it - it may not be anything to do with the depression ... but at the end of the day we aren't just brains we are brains and bodies and both sides need to be healthy ... or as healthy as they can be if we are to have quality of life
Gambit Happy New Year and I hope it brings you contentment and
Serenity and Joy.
Hello Raymond
I have a health check at our cottage hospital in about two weeks time, it is a pre op check, About three months ago I had a further health check because I had changed my surgery, Tomorrow I have a further check for the dietician where bloods are taken.
On top of all that I am on a medication review every three months, that is a further medical. Also at periods of two weeks I need further bloods taken and they discuss all my medications that I take. At six months further tests and medicals are also undertaken by an RA Specialist
My mental health is watched by my GP and could end up with further tests because of my condition.
Please do not worry, all this becomes one great plan that I sometimes have lost the plot over, Over the last thirty years I have had extensive health checks, we cannot really do anything about it and need just to go with the flow. If I did not they would be scraping me of the road
Happy New Year. Raymond, GO WITH THE FLOW
New policy suggests long term MH patients need regular physical reviews. Your MH team sounds like it is doing its job right.
No, but lucky you, I wish I was offered one!