Just spent my first 3 hours in a mental health hospital and this place is really mad, their are a lot of really sick people here and some of them are scary but I know this is the place I need to be to get help
New experience : Just spent my first... - Mental Health Sup...
New experience

Hi sade_18,
Do tell the nurses if you feel unsafe or overwhelmed at any point about being there, as they maybe able to move you to a quieter part. Hopefully you will find the help you need to get back on your feet asap.
Thinking of you!
Take care,
MAS Nurse and Moderator
Sade 18
Yes that is what Mental Health Wards are for in some instances. They will be assessing you and hopefully will move you at a later date.
However it is very important that you explain how you feel with some urgency like MAS Nurse explains.
I spent time visiting various Wards under Healthwatch and some wards were fine, the patients had some freedom other wards were tough.
Do you have a room where you can go for your own privacy ??

No I have to share with 3 other people
Looked at your contributions ?
Depression and Anxiety, also Pain. It sounds like they are trying to calm and get you stable once more, so hopefully you will only be there on a temporary basis.
I can understand how you must be feeling. These hospitals are over filled and staff are pushed to attend sometimes. As mentioned above you need to talk with your Health Professionals and ask to be moved to another Ward. It may take some time, and you could be discharged before the move
Why were you admitted, Have they explained why and what tests they wish to try ??

I tried to end my life and spent just over a week in hospital trying to get better and they have admitted me so that they can figure out what is going wrong with me and can adjust my medications and try to support me in any way they can so that when I leave hospital I am able to live my life and do what I need to do
Sounds like they have you in a High Intensity Ward where they keep a good eye on you. The Ward will have more staff than a standard Ward. They will watch and assess you. Other wards may not have the number of staff, this one has.
Have they explained any activities you could try as you wait. To take your Mind of where you are.
Sometimes medications can take time getting used to, what reasons do you have to take your Life. Mine were my Disability and Stressed life choices, been mentally ill for a long time now. My Wife is my watcher and has telephone numbers to call if I take a wobbler. I have the problem of walking out the house and I disappear.

There is lots of reasons that all built up in me and I didn’t see the point in living and I just wanted it all too end, so I took a massive overdose hopeing it would take my life but I ended up in hospital for a week instead and now they transferred me here to sort me out
I took an overdose, and A and E sent me home stable. I was introduced to A Crisis Team and had over six months of home treatment, I walked out home when I heard My Wife had recalled them and they had sat and waited for me, then when I returned they had gone and They had asked my Wife to call the Police if I had not returned after 30mins after their departure.
In a way you are lucky they are making sure you are ok before sending you home.
Good Luck, let us know how you get on, Talk to the staff and see if you can be taken to a less intense ward