Hi I have various mental health issues and starting to get a bit worried with my memory as its getting worse does anyone else have this problem really need some advice plz
Memory : Hi I have various mental... - Mental Health Sup...

Welcome Kaz6979 to this very caring community. I can understand you feeling anxious about your memory but you don't say how old you are or give our members very much information to be able to try to help with this issue. However if you are really concerned perhaps having a word with your health care professional would be a good starting place because the anxiety about it can exacerbate the issue and blow it out of proportion. You may find the very fact you have openly talked to the Dr or CPN has alleviated the majority of it anyway. Can any of our members add to this please? Take care.
I'm 38 and its my short term memory that's the problem my long term memory is not too bad just silly little things I forget
I have to remind myself wen I run a bath as forget tbh memory is getting worse just scares me tbh also my speech plays up sometimes proper stutter I have wrote lists but forgot were I put them lol x
Not yet as tbh bit embarrassed
yep , I am the same also starting to stutter a little also at my work I struggle to do basic math I was thinking it might be the medication which is making me dumb , I don't have advise but know what you are talking about