I just feel really down and fed up. There are reasons why, but there are stupid reasons why I shouldn't be.
My pupil's are pushing me to extreme stress. The end of a another term approaches as do their exams. Some are behaving like scared ostriches and are burying their heads in the sand and hoping that their exam will go away. When pushed they either withdraw into themselves, so no progress or explode which means I get it in the neck from parents that they are not ready! Then there is the pupil who I forgot to enter (oops). This is the 2nd time in 20+ years of teaching that I have forgot a pupil. It is so stressful. I have got to be so positive when inside all I want to do is scream and yell!
Yesterday I put my all into something I was doing, which was generally successful, but 1 person picked up on something that did not go well (some of it beyond my control) and now I'm finding that all I can do is dwell on this close friends comment. I know logically I should dwell on the positives but I feel so low that this comment is going around my head like a stuck record.
I am trying to sort my messy life out and I am SLOWLY getting there. I am sorting out my clothes. Now this is the stupid bit. I used to be 19 + stone I am now under 14 stone. Should be happy? But as I am slowly losing weight most of my trousers are now too big. Every time I try to find a pair of jeans to wear I am getting upset as they are too big. I have another collection that are too small! My bedroom is full of piles of clothes but I'm finding it hard to sort through them.
Tonight I watched a programme on diet drugs and diabetes on Channel 4 I am now worried on top of being down! The programme looked at some medications for diabetes and their connection to pancreatitis, and pancreatic cancer. So if diabetes is not going to kill me it looks like the drugs I am prescribed might! Ironic as I don't care if I live or die.
I'm fed up with people around me who have said if ever I'm feeling low that they would be there for me. When I saw one on Fri she said that she couldn't talk as she had people to talk with on the internet! Today, someone else said you just have to get on with it! and learn to let things go, so easy to do that isn't it?!
I have run out of meds (again) and I won't be able to get any until Thurs as my docs won't do next day prescriptions. I have to work from 9 - 7 tomorrow and 9 -8 on Weds so I won't be able to get an appointment to see a doctor, (to get nagged at for forgetting to order a repeat prescription sooner.)
Oh well off to bed to try and sleep. Tomorrow is another day