Hi Guys , hope you all ok with health seems a lot of circumcision problems out there. I feel a bit selfish but would like a high cut, don't need it for medical reasons. My foreskin sits behind my glans comfortably and got into wearing a glans ring. Feels fab. Any comments or advice would be appreciated. Cut my own frenulum when I was a teen to loosen it.
Circumcision for non essential reasons? - Men's Health Forum
Circumcision for non essential reasons?
don’t feel like you’re being selfish. It’s your body you can do how you please with it, even if I don’t personally agree with it. There’s just a few things I’d like for you to recognize before you go through with something like that.
You are 60 years old, you’ve spent your entire life with what you have and it sounds like it’s been doing a great job, however there is a problem with this. You are more likely to get an infection or a complication from the surgery than a younger man. And the circumcision may not turn out alright- it could scar badly, not heal right, have a prolonged healing process and you may end up regretting having it done. Not only that, sex and masterbation will feel very different than what you’ve experienced for so long, especially with a high and tight cut- you will have little to no inner foreskin stimulation, even the sensitive frenulum, that you’ve been accustomed to wether you realize it or not- that will be gone entirely and there’s no going back on it over a purely cosmetic issue.
If you are that willing to lose that much then I recommend at least look into a doctor who can remove the skin from the base of the penis- this preserves all the sensations that the foreskin offers and is less painful because it’s on a less sensitive part of the penis.
Hope this helps! Feel free to message me directly if you’d like to talk about it more
Wow, thanks for your advice really made me think about it all over again. Great to get someone's else's viewpoint. Cheers
I was recently circ 13 days ago. I'm 39. Prior to circ even with all the research I did. I didn't know that their was dif styles of circ. I thought they were all hi and tight. But I got a low and tight, and much prefer the hi and tight look and thought thats what i would be getting. According to pics and online medical graphs it looks like low and tight = u lose almost all inner foreskin as shaft skin is pulled up and attached just below the head
High and tight = outer foreskin is cut and inner foreskin is pulled toward base and attached to shaft skin approximately 1-2 inches below head
Or am I understanding this wrong?
BTW I assume I got the low and tight bcuz my stitches are just above my head. Again 13 days out and still healing and a lil swollen. Once I saw this I was like aww wtf. So I started googling and literally had to type in dif styles of circumcission for anything to come up. So I didn't know their was dif styles til after I was circ. Again I def would've preferred high and tight. But whats done is done.
Strange thing but as long as it works and you have sex it's ok. I'm so confused with it all
Cheers for your message, all seems so complicated, hope you ok. My foreskin peels back automatically when it's up or wake up wish it was shorter but love the glans ring behind the head, get a real buzz.

best thing about retracting the foreskin like that is that the skin will eventually stay that way. You are practicing “auto circumcision” and it trains the skin to stay behind the glans. It’ll stay that way after a while of doing that and if you ever changed your mind about what you like you can retrain the skin to cover the head again
in either method you are losing the most sensitive and erogenous parts of the foreskin. There are many different styles honestly!
All a bit of a new world, like it retracted most times then it won't go back without pulling it forward the foreskin I mean. Enjoy the feeling.

So I'm 39 and I did the same thing as u. From the time I was late teens my head was almost always exposed and my foreskin sat behind my head when I was hard or soft. I did this bcuz i always wanted to be circumcised but not enough to go through a scary procedure. Lol. It was never a problem til about 1 - 1.5 yr ago. Any sexual activity even a few min if masturbating would cause my foreskin to become irritated/ inflamed for 2-4 days after. This was bcuz my foreskin had shrunk and was too tight to cover the head when erect. When I was soft I could get my foreskin to cover my head. But when hard it would stay kind of bunched up below my head. So that's why I got circumcised. Right now I'm 14 days out from being circumcised so far so good and have a follow up appointment today

So just be careful bcuz 1 day it could shrink on u like it did me. Lol. It didn't look or feel too tight, but when I was hard it would only cover about 20% of my head at most and only if intentionally positioned it to try to cover my head
Yeah noticed if it's retracted too long its not easy to pull it back over the glans not because it's tight it just gets kind of trapped, worry whether it affects blood flow keeping it back. The beast has a mind of its own like your balls with the temperature thing when they are loose when warm then shrink when cold.