i was circumcised 4 months ago i'm 28 years old. everythings normal except pn the left bottom side of the glans it is still swollen and bunpy. went to few doctors everybody said its normal but it is not normal because it looks unissual. what am i supposed to do? will the swelling go away?
swollen circumcision: i was circumcised... - Men's Health Forum
swollen circumcision

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I’ve read it takes up to a year. I would go with the recommendation of the urologist.
Yes it's fine. Main wound heals in a month usually but the normal look takes months to a year maybe even more
That’s almost identical to mine after the surgery. It went down after a while, there’s still a small bump but it’s hardly noticeable.
Good luck pal
I’d say 3-4 months from memory
A lot of guys are circumcised shortly after they are born and have what you might call misshapen penises for their entire lifetime. Most of those are far 'worse' than yours. Some end up circumcised too tight, some have skin bridges, where a section of the skin fastened onto the glans as it healed. Interestingly, their mates never complain about their penises. What they complain about is how the men use their penises, not the exact shape. In fact, a non-symmetrical penis tends to give you more personality.
Jeremy, Medibation.com
It takes up to 6 months for it to be fully healed. But it can be a year or longer for some before the scar tissue is cosmetically pleasing on the eye.
Don’t worry. You might be able to use a dab of bio oil to hasten the process.
did you have the sams experience? will it be all flat and will the scarline fade away? im a year for example?
I’m only 3 weeks in. But all is looking ok for now. Nearing to what yours is. But I know not to expect it to look peachy until after 6 months at least. The scar line will fade a bit, like all old scars do.
i had mine almost four months now i got the same thing going on..most likely that will be the end results of how its gonna look..idk why it ended up that way proberly from stretching with the stitches from eretions as much as i don't want to go though this again im going to a different doctor to get it redone this month on the 19th hopefully get a better outcome.
what the doctor told you? my doctor and all the other doctors sayd that it will be ok in a few more months. just wait mand dont hurry. i know its a headache when you think that its the final results but dont you think that redoing it you will be all stitched up again?
mine is a lil bit worse from what i can see in the pic but the original doctor that did it first said its fine and give it time but i felt like he just didn't want to say he messed up, the doctor im going to now said what i was thinking and that its more than likely how its gonna stay..but thats what happen to me ..the skin does great at healing itself over time. in my opinion at four months its pretty clear that it was gonna end up staying that way. thats why i went to get another doctor view on it and thank god he would help cause most urologist won't touch it if they don't see a need too medically.