Hi all. I have been having random foreskin issues for years. pretty much since I was a child and have recently been diagnosed with BXO. I just have a sore tip of foreskin and very mild phimosis but have had a tiny white lesion on the side of my frenulum once around 15 years ago. This was resolved with 2 weeks of dermovate.
I am basically a hypochondriac and have been worrying about this all my life. On top of that, I don't generally enjoy the appearance/feel of my foreskin so I am opting to have a circumcision ASAP. I'm 100% sure of this and even without the BXO diagnosis I would be getting circumcised.
Due to the lack of info and general understanding of BXO, no doctor can really tell me which type of circumcision is best. I am really keen to have low and tight so that as much foreskin is removed as possible, but I am getting very mixed information from the 3 different doctors I've seen, and they seem to say that a mid-cut is best, or they don't really confirm the style at all.
Has anyone else had to make this decision (circumcision style) or gotten any advice in relation to this condition?
On a side note. I tend to worry like crazy about anything like this and am in a bit of a cyberchondria rabbit hole at the moment. Has anyone ever got any clarity on the likelihood of the condition spreading to meatus / urethra? I have read confliction information which states that:
1. circumcision is 97% curative
but 2. that no long term studies (i.e. lifetime studies) exist to confirm the above, and that the figure above was only based on a 10 year study.
My main worry about being diagnosed with BXO was the actual worry it would lead to, constant monitoring of symptoms and freaking out / catastrophising about the slightest abnormality.